About a year ago I purchased these shoes online. I don't usually wear heels but I fell in love with these and thought they looked sturdy enough for my klutzy feet. I had my eye on the black ones but when they sold out in my size I order this cream colored pair instead. They're a perfect fit and, for heels, are really quite comfortable. I think I could actually walk in these. The problem is I just never wear this color shoe. I see girls with dark tights and light colored shoes on style sites all the time and always love how it looks but somehow it just doesn't work for me. I always feel like my feet are really conspicuous. I know that I would get more use out of them if they were black or, on the second thought, a nice chocolaty brown. I don't think dying leather is something I should try to DIY. It seems like a really daunting task. Has anyone had any experience in having shoes dyed? Either DIY or professionally? I'd love to know if it actually works before I jump in. Thanks!
What about a dark chocolate shoe polish? No idea if this would work but maybe if you have an old belt or can find a $1 thrift store belt in pale leather you could test it? Let us know what you discover - this would open a whole new world when thrifting!
you can buy shoe dye usually wherever shoe polish is sold (i bought mine at rite aide). it definately comes in black and brown. it's super easy to use. the one i bought has a spongy applicator that you just rub directly onto the shoe. easy as that. i use it for covering up scratches and scuff marks, but i don't see why it wouldn't work to dye the whole shoe. it's really cheap too.
Definitely do NOT use fabric dye. I tried to dye brown suede shoes blue and only the cotton lining took the dye! I did have success with blue spraypaint.
Maybe you can spraypaint these shoes brown?
Or, leave them tan...this post talks about color pairings of tights and shoes (including your color!):
those are tres adorable!
check out this post, its exactly what you are looking for. I just read it and thought of it when you asked, it's perfect for you.
good luck! the shoes are beautiful and just begging to be worn.
I love these shoes just the way they are it is a shame they dont work for you they really are adorable. Some of this advice is really good I may have to try it on some of my shoes!
I love these shoes just the way they are it is a shame they dont work for you they really are adorable. Some of this advice is really good I may have to try it on some of my shoes!
Those shoes are so chic! Honestly I think they look great the way they are!
These would actually be perfect with the wedding dress I will be wearing down the aisle and match the chic style of the gorgeous diamond engagement ring my fiance bought me from www.idonowidont.com so
I'm totally jealous you have these shoes! If I had to pick another color I would say maybe a soft light blue.
hello there
i used shoe dye once on my grey leather boots to paint nice black dots on it, and it was easy, i still have an even colour, and didn't fade in the brightest sunshine neither in heavy rain :)
you shoud try, a shoemaker can fix them if they go a littlebit clouded (or try laundrettes, if they can dye leather jackets, maybe they do shoes as well)
in responce to Daily Coyote:
I used brown shoe polish once to try and darken some cream shoes, but it turned them a bit yellow instead.
Wow dying them could result in ubercool colour effect :D
I've never commented before but hi! My mother was always having pairs of tan Ferragamo loafers dyed brown or black whenever they got too scuffed. It looked great/you couldn't tell they were originally another color, and the shoe leather was still soft afterward. She just went to a shoe maker and had them dye the shoes for her, it cost maybe $25? I'd definitely have shoes dyed professionally--DIY could be uneven/make the shoes stiff/come off on your tights. Hope this helps.
Aw, please don't mar that beautiful cream. I think they're perfect the way they are. I'm sure them looking weird is all in your head... you're kinda perfect!
i agree with you...i can't wear this color either. in a day they would be ruined. i tried to dye a pair of light colored leather boots and it simply stained them. have them done by an old local shoe man who's been doing it for years. we have old shoe repair guys floatin' round' pa.
Not really a helpful comment, but my mother attempted to turn a pair of white leather shoes to blue this summer, aiming for a denim-like kind of effect, but the first one came out looking like a child's easter egg gone awry and she never even made it to the second one.
So no matter how your shoes turn out, take comfort in knowing it will probably be better than my mother's did!
I don't know how to dye shoes at all, but when I read the headline I thought 'dying' meant 'soon to be deceased.'
It was a big scare, I must confess.
I have no helpful hints but super good luck and I'm very interested to see how it turns out.
Years ago, I tried to spray paint a pair of hot pink leather flats (a bad trendy purchase) and it seemed to work but the color ran in the rain. It also started cracking in the areas where the shoe bends. It helped me get a couple more wears out of them, but I wouldn't recommend it.
I own these shoes in this color and love love love them so much. I love wearing them with tights, and I think that it works especially well with dark tights. Since there is already a contrast present in the shoe (between the leather and the wood) it does not look strange to contrast the overall light shoe with dark tights.
I think dying leather is relatively easy, although with such nice shoes I would recommend going to a professional; but I think it's good to branch out with fashion!
These shoes work well with frilly cream or white blouses (that I've noticed you have plenty of :) They also work well with wide legged pants.
Anyway, died or not, I hope you find as much pleasure and satisfaction from them as I have.
Show us a photo of you wearing those shoes in the color they are now, and we will tell you if they work or not on you! Totally objectively!
Thanks for all of your suggestions. After some consideration, I think I'll leave the dying to a professional and find a local shoe shop to do the job. I really like these shoes and would hate to ruin them with a bad DIY job.
daily coyote: That's a good idea. I think for future projects I'll keep and eye out for a cheap belt or pair of shoes to practice on.
pretty pirate: Thanks for the link! She did an amazing job on those boots. Definitely inspiring.
And for those of you advising not to dye them. I totally understand where you're coming from. They are beautiful the way they are and I know that there's really nothing wrong with them. I'm just not comfortable wearing the color and I know myself well enough to know I'll never leave the house in them the way that they are. Thanks!
Those shoes are amazing! Personally I would not color them,I think they look great the way they are. Just wear black tights with them and maybe totally black outfit to bring them out.
However, if you want to change the color, shoe repair places sell shoe paint. My friend painted her old second hand shoes with it and they look pretty good. :) Just gotta be careful...
i've had it done professionally, with brilliant results. you can see one project here:
if you do it yourself, DO NOT use shoe paint! use liquid leather dye (black is the best bet).
good luck!
in Melbourne, Australia, i once took a pair of Salmon Fendi heels i bought on sale to a car detailer that specialised in custom leather interiors.
For $60, they could dye my shoes any colour i wanted. And when i say any colour, i'm talking about a swatch book with 200+ colours.
The end result was amazing.
So that's my tip.
These shoes are gorgeous!
I don't have any experience with this, so I'm not able to help. I'm curious how it turns out!
if you have the money to buy them again...
yes, good idea leaving it to a professional. I've had shoes dyed before, mostly to black. It turns out great.
In order for the dyeing to work, the shoes have to be leather or another natural material for it to work though, so no pleather or vinyl.
These shoes are beautiful.
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