18 October 2007

Thrifting Adventures

My trip home started with a day packed with thrift shopping. My sister picked me up from the airport and we headed straight out to all of our favorite spots as well as a few new ones. On the list of things to look for were vintage dresses and sweaters for fall, vintage shoes, shrunken blazers and jackets and vintage purses. I'm happy to report that I was able to check all of those things off my list!

We had a whole cart (in the south, of course, we say buggy) full of shoes before we even got to the clothing department. I found lots of 80's pumps, leather oxfords and several pairs of tall, flat boots - all of which will be showing up in the store. Hardly any were my size - bad for me, good for you.

The dress on the left was ultimately rejected - it was a little bit Twiggy meets Judy Jetson and a lot scary. The little military style coat on the right was one of my favorite finds of the day.

This furry Russian style coat was another favorite find. We couldn't wait to try it on, so we ran over to the furniture department to find a mirror. So cute!

It was only the first store and we left with a cart full of clothes, shoes and bags. And we still had several more stores to go to before the day was over. The thrifting gods were certainly with us that day!


Mo said...

Aww! That looks like so much fun! I love days when the "thrifting gods" are with you! Cant wait to see your goodies!

Anonymous said...

that military/band jkt is to die for. looks great on you!

Anonymous said...

p.s. hope you found lots of boots in 9 1/2 -10!

nitovuori said...

The Twiggy meets Judy Jetson dress looks scary indeed but also quite awesome... I hope it's picked by someone who can rock it :)

Meghann E said...

That thrift store looks INSANE! It's so big - I am jealous!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Yes, some of the thrift stores there are really huge - almost a bit overwhelming. That military jacket is going to be lucky to make it out of my closet! I love it, but I'm trying not to keep anything else. My closet is already full. And that crazy rainbow dress will surely make someone happy. I couldn't decide whether to buy it or put it back. It was quite a lot of dress.

Rhiannon said...

I can't wait to see everything you found! The south is definitely kind of time warp-ish. :)

And you inspired me to hunt down an America's Thrift--it was an hour and a half away, but definitely worth it!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Rhiannon - Yes, America's Thrift stores are really amazing. So huge. Also if you can find any Big Savers (I'm not sure if they're in GA or just AL) they are really great too.

Anonymous said...

that place looks like heaven. put me in there i wont come out after days ..lol..