29 November 2007

Wardrobe Remix 11-29

tunic: American Apparel
tights: ??
cardigan: vintage
belt: vintage
scarf/hood: Urban Outfitters
boots: vintage


Anonymous said...

wow!!! very fabulous!!!

Rhiannon said...

I love these photos! With the hood and the street signs they're kind of film noir-ish.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That scarf/hoodie thing is wonderful, I always wonder how one would style it--now I know! I also like the metallic, skinny belt and the lighting in these pictures. Lovely.

Meghann E said...

I think I was wearing the same American Apparel tunic today - I love it!

Anonymous said...

love the scarf/hoodie...looking slammin'as usual.

pennyfarthing said...

Very grey gardens!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Film noir, Grey Gardens - thanks! I'll definitely take those as compliments.

Michelle said...

wow you have a scarf/hood! (snood?) So YSL!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

If I was a knitter/crocheter I'm sure one of these hood/scarf thingies would be super easy to make. It's just a big scarf with the ends attached to make a loop. Any knitters out there want to give it a try?

In Yr Fshn said...

That was on Stacy London! (The scarf/ hood thing) Now aren't you sorry you missed it? (It's understandable if not)

Anonymous said...

oo very cool scarf/hood thing :)

Anonymous said...

wow! amazing... love the colors and the photos. You look so effortless chic

Anonymous said...

I like the scarf-hood! I love how you rock the futuristic vibe, but at the same time vintage and of the moment!