28 December 2007

My Perfect Party Dress

If I were going to a New Year’s Eve party (which I’m not) and if I had $200 to burn (which I don’t) this is the dress in which I would get embarrassingly drunk and stumble around (which I would never do! ;)


Rhiannon said...

It's adorable! I can definitely see you wearing that.

Jessica Quirk said...

I second this choice! Totally rad!

Stararah said...

Ooh, I like that!
Another thing to add to my "If I Were Rich" List.

Lauren said...

haha i love this post - and the dress!
happy new years eve :D

Unknown said...

Interesting dress! I like it! Hope you have a Happy New Years!

Kristin said...

it's so nice. i love the pattern; it's interesting... but not too busy.

i like your blog! would you be interested in exchanging links?

Anonymous said...

I love it! I bet if you tried you could find something similar in vintage.

Nicola's Vintage Boutique said...

Ive been looking for a dress like this for a long time. Its very mod but without looking like a costume, wonderful!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Thanks everyone. I'll have to keep this one on my future wish list.

WendyB said...
