t-shirt: American Apparel
jeans: Cheap Monday
shoes: Converse
scarf: H&M
Today was supposed to be spent solely in front of the computer, catching up on work and getting ahead on a few things. A little after lunch I saw the weather report pop up on my screen and realized it was 71 degrees and sunny outside. I quickly thought up a reason I just had to get out of the house, threw on jeans, a tee and my trusty Chucks and was out the door in minutes.
i have white and black chucks and am contemplating a third pair ... i cannot decide if i want a red, navy, or grey pair next...
This is why I love American Apparel. You can seriously just throw on a shirt from there and still look amazing without trying too hard.
exactlu what i did the other day. greta photos! love the light streaming in.
Nice! :) I bought that flower scarf in h&m last week. I love it. It makes your look more fresh and interesting. It can be mixed with most of clothes.
Of course, I am adding your link into my blog:)
Beautifull pictures!!!!
I love it when weather is getting better!
i love allstar shoes **
I really love the way you photograph your What I'm Wearing posts. In this one I especially like the pic of your silhouette in the shadow, very cool.
Hi Sally jane-I've just checked out your Four Ways blogs-what an excellent concept-no wonder your combos always look so good!
i love the scarf + converse
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