28 April 2008

What I'm Wearing

t-shirt: vintage
jacket: H&M
jeans: Superfine
shoes: vintage
scarf: vintage
necklace: UO
sunglasses: H&M

The last few days have been very worrisome and stressful for me. We returned home from NY to find one of our cats had become very, very sick while we were gone. I've been tending to the poor feline for the past few days and now she's been admitted to the vet. Even though I have several new, lovely things to wear, fashion has been the last thing on my mind. I've been living in jeans and tees. Combine that with the constant downpour of rain outside and it's not too exciting to get dressed right now. Hopefully things will pick up later this week.


Anonymous said...

ohdear, i hope your cat gets better soon! my cat was at the vet on saturday due to a fight. so i feel you!

AsianCajuns said...

Oh I hope your kitty feels better soon!

Sharon said...

Hope your cat gets better soon-love your New York photos, too!

Anonymous said...

I really love your shirt :).

Anonymous said...

oh no, poor kitty! :( i hope she's better now! my dog was at the emergency vet recently so i know how scary it can be. *hugs*

christina said...

Oh no, I hope your cat feels better. :(

You're still looking good though, despite not caring as much.