dress: vintage (Wasteland on Melrose)
tee: American Apparel
jacket: vintage (little boy's: Salvation Army, Pennsylvania)
shoes: vintage (Salvation Army, Pennsylvania)
bag: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, Alabama)
When we moved to PA in January I packed all of my summer clothes into a big box. About a week ago I was doing some spring cleaning and decided it was finally time to unpack the box. I was so happy to see all of my summery vintage dresses. I lived in them in LA, but since moving to the cold northeast I haven't had much occasion to wear them. Hopefully you'll be seeing more of them now that the weather has started to warm up.
This dress is amazing, but I understand your shock when moving from a warm place to the north! Brr...I felt the same when spending some time in London and Olso instead of Munich. The best thing: I started to experiment with different accessories for cold weather. It's interesting! So enjoy time in PA!
gosh, I love how artsy your pictures turn into
i LOVE your shoes. i just lost an ebay auction for an almost identical pair :(
oh god, Wasteland is such an awesome place. I feel as if I'd go bankrupt everytime I step inside, and that there's not enough time to look through everything.
I absolutely love the shoes. They look so comfortable, and not too high either.
yes, agreed with all the other lovely ladies, those shoes are a dream!
Love the shoes too :) And your photos are amazing!
Ouh, I like the sailor type vibe I'm getting from your outfit, very cutee =]
You look great and your shoes are so sweet.
i love the dress, the jacket and the shoes. Where are your photos taken?
well done! I love this look
As usual, love your outfits... and your photos look like you have a professional stylist and photographer. Gorgeous!
i like your red bag!
You are this freaking stylish lady!
hi stylish friend
i just discovered your blog and he looks great
I just wanted to tell you that I met Sarah Jessica parker / Sex and the city Monday in Paris and did great shots that you’ll certainly like
I also got great shots during the sunny days in Paris
Have a look and enjoy !
and may be one day i 'll be in your fav blogs ! lol
Street style romancer in Paris
i love your blog! kiss from Paris!!
Thanks again for all of the comments!
style.street: I live in an old industrial complex (it used to be a glass factory) and many of the buildings are still empty. They are a great place to take photos!
Your recent photos have been consistently amazing! What kind of camera/editing program (if any) do you use?
That outfit is lovely. just about perfect for the weather here at the moment. saying that, I've been wearing a coat! haha.
Everything has been said by the other girls already, but still: those shoes are drop-dead gorgeous indeed.
Thanks again for all of the wonderful comment!
Eliza: I use a Canon Powershot and Photoshop.
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