dress: vintage (Salvation Army, PA)
vest: Slow on Melrose (Los Angeles, CA)
shoes: vintage (Goodwill, PA)
purse: vintage (Fairfax Flea Market, LA, CA)
sunglasses: vintage (Root's Market, PA)
hat: H&M
Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. I didn't intend to take the day off but the morning was spent trying not to melt into a puddle on the floor as our air conditioning stopped working the night before and the rest of the afternoon was spent watching the spectacular thunderstorms roll through the sky while trying to convince my cats that, no, the thunder is not trying to kill you. Today Mother Nature seems to be offering a bit of a respite from the sweltering weather of which I plan on taking full advantage.
I awoke this morning wanting to wear a little floral dress and quickly realized that I had put every single one I've found up for sale in the store. I rescued this one off of the to-be-sold rack but I'm sure it will end up right back there eventually. And for now, these shoes found at Goodwill are soothing the Ebay-loss pain.
Oh no, don't separate from this dress. It features zhe lovliest little rose (?) print and is made perfectly for you....
why do your pictures look so awesome?
ooo cute dress, so very summery
I just thrifted some very similar shoes at the VOA Outlet here for 50 cents! If you're ever in Rochester, you should check it out!
i recently found your blog and i have to say i love it. you have style girl! and your photos are lovely.
love the vest!
i have serious vest lust.
I'm a firm believer in channeling the things you want at thrift stores, sometimes it takes a few times but I always manage to find something similar to what I am looking for and usually it is even better than I could have imagined. Nice job on the shoes!!
Love your dress and vest combo. I am thinking of starting up an ebay store myself, is it hard to stay on top of everything?
Your pics are great! I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THAT GATE!! I thin kI might need to ope up an ebay store soon...my closet is just bursting!
Thank you everyone!
lisatwix: Um, I don't know? :) I'll take that as a compliment, though.
rosaline: I'll put that on my list of place to go!
miri: I'm so glad you found the blog and that you like it.
pretty pirate: I think so too! I can't tell you how many times I've been thinking of a specific piece and then found it at the thrift store. It's kismit!
big daddy (and anyone else thinking of starting an Ebay store): Yes, it's fun. Yes, it's rewarding and YES, it's a lot of work.
The dress and the shoes seem to be made for each other!
very cute love the hat
love it, as always (:
don't suppose you could reccomend how/what to wear with this 80s dress? or should i just give up cause it's so awful? :p link - http://www.ssb5.net/users/76657/dsp_dscf0102_1212759571.jpg
dont worry if you cbb to reply (;
I love how your clothes aren't like expensive/designer. It's very inspiring :)
hii you!! such great shots, per usual. what kind of camera do you use? im on the market for a new real camera, eeeeeeeeee!!
The photos are great and you outfit is great!
those shoes.... are.... perfect.
I know you've said in a previous post that you don't feel like you have a distinct style (I think it was the post about Effie?), but certain photo posts, especially this one, are definitely very "you." (The closest celebrity look I can think of is Charlotte Gainsbourg, whom I adore.) You've got a wonderful flair for putting things together; that and the amazing photography keep me coming back.
Wow, I love the dress and hat.
here in Finland its been raining about the whole week and its been very difficult ti decide what to wear in this weather..
yu look good as usual.good that u took that dress back
Love the shoes, and the hat, and the vest - it is a beautiful dress but it is them that make it extraordinary:)
Really awesome pictures and I am in love with your shoes.
i second all the shoe comments! so jelly they're not mine :/
p.s. what camera do you shoot these outside shots with? i LOVE the picture quality and color. Is it digital? help a sister out!
Thanks again for all of your sweet comments!
Anonymous: I find that anytime I'm not sure how to put an outfit together I fall back on my basic of adding a vest, a long necklace and my favorite oxfords (see today's outfit ;) )
For everyone that has asked, I'm working on a FAQ post where I'll address what type of camera I use. Thanks!
I just have to say, woman you're amazing! I've been reading your blog and looking at your LOVELY pictures for about an hour now, and you have now become one of my biggest source of inspiration when it comes to fashion. I mean everything you put on looks absolutely stunning on you! keep up the good work!
I adore those shoes, I've been hunting for a similar pair myself. Thanks for some inspiration on how to wear them!
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