I think my fascination with Earhart can be traced back to a 4th Grade book report. We had to pick a biography to write a report about and I picked Earhart. One read and I was hooked. At the time it had nothing to do with her brave fashion choices (check out the pants!) but I fell in love with her adventurous spirit and her steps in pioneering the public's perception of what women are capable of. While those are still reasons that I consider her a personal hero, her fashion choices are not be be ignored. It was considered quite daring for a woman to wear pants in those days. I can definitely see her influence when looking at other fashion icons such as Katherine Hepburn. Her bomber jacket is a timeless classic and would easily mix right into a modern day ensemble. In her day, she even helped design a line of clothing marketed for "the woman who lives actively". Wouldn't it be wonderful if some of those pieces still survive today?

wow i've never thought of her as a style icon, but she was quite fashionable! thanks sally jane :)
I think I became fascinated with her due to a 4th grade book report too!
i saw a picture of amy adams dressed as amelia earhart the other day also and though she looked adorable, i'm really glad hillary swank is being used for the actual biopic. and also that ben stiller isn't in it.
A real beauty and WAY ahead of the times! Didn't know about the biopic...how exciting, Swank is a great choice. I would hope it would be someone like her or Cate Blanchett. I will have to keep her in mind while flying tomorrow as I never like being on a plane.
wow! these pictures are great. i will def look into this movie.
How spontaneously adorable!
She is a fascinating woman!
i never knew she had amazing style.
her story is so sad though
I did a report on her in 4th grade too! (My paper had cotton ball clouds on the cover, haha.) She looks great in these pictures (too bad I didn't have internet in 4th grade) especially the one infront of the brick wall.
Very thesartorialist.blogspot.com!
Thanks for sharing.
I did my fifth grade biography report on Amelia Earhart! I got to dress like her and everything.
how awesome are those boots in the second picture to the left?
Wow, what an intersting post – I had no idea that she was so stylish! And, another film to look forward too.
I love her pants and jacket and her overall cuteness. I can only hope the costumes in the movie live up to these pictures.
Oh, this was a fantastic posts! One of my favorites from you, which definitely saying something. I am especially glad to hear that Hilary will be playing her, I am sure she will do her justice. And wow. Those first two pictures are incredible. It's so amazing how fashion circulates through the years. That leather jacket is incredible, oh I wish it we mine. And those knee high lace up boots *gasp!*. Has there ever been anything so beautiful? Can't wait to see the movie!
Ciao ciao,
Wow - she is gorgeous and so fashion forward! Not something I realized about Ms. Earhart. Thanks for the post!
I have only recently discovered your blog, and love love love it, I can't wait to read your next post.
Funny...I did a 4th grade book report on Diana Ross.
I'd really love to have one of those aviator caps!
Hilary Swank may be able to dso her justice, Amelia was so adorable and great style yes.
Night at the Museum was one of only five movies I've seen where I've actively yelled at the screen, wishing the characters to die.
Amelia Earhart is the bomb diggety.
Oh my gosh! Love the Amelia pics!!!
Such great style!
Thanks for sharing!
i wonder if they'll find her one day, she must be out there somewhere.
love her trousers!
like your earhart post :) she was a special woman worth mentioning an thank u for that...btw nice blog
These photographs are fantastic! Thank you so much for posting them.
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