A while back I mentioned that I wanted to try to recreate the belt on this girl's outfit from HelLooks. Whenever I go shopping at thrift stores or flea markets I keep an eye out for dresses or shirts that have lots of fabric that I can use to cut up for projects. It's a great way to get a lot of fabric for not much money. At any given time I've got a sack full of oversized dresses that I bought simply because I liked the fabric. Ever since I saw that little striped belt on HelLooks I've been looking for the perfect fabric to use in my recreation. Last week I finally found a dress in the right color, with the right size stripe in a fabric that I liked. I went to work and made my own version of the belt. As is usual with most DIY projects, I'm not 100% happy with my first attempt but I thought I'd show it to you anyway. I learned from my mistakes and I plan on making it again. I'm really terrible at how-to's but this was a pretty easy project if you want to try it yourself. All it takes is a couple of long strips of fabric and some iron-on interfacing. If anyone is interested I'll try to make up some more detailed instructions when I go for my second attempt.
Wow! Fantastic job! I looks great! I would be interested in a DIY even though it does appear fairly easy.
So cute!!!! I love the bow... I'd definitely be interested in a little how-to explanation if it's not too much trouble. I've been meaning to make myself a similar style belt for awhile.
omg, it is a double bow wham of cuteness. love love love.
Its great! You should make some of them for your store. If you have all that fabric, all you need is time.
Im sure people would be into it!
This bow looks so good !
I just want to make one too for my own now !
Good work missy! I didn't even need to click the link, I know which Hel-Looks girl you mean. I saved that one to my lookbook too!
i like it! simple but very chic
You clever thing you, I love that bow and can't wait to see the final result, although must say your first attempt looks pretty darned good to me.
love the wide stripes on the belt! you look so perfectly anachronistic... love it.. and i've been jealous of that bag ever since you first posted it!
The belt looks fantastic, it looks like you did a great job!
that looks great- love the structured bow at the waist next to the floppy bow at the collar of your shirt. nice combo
so cute and creative!
wonderful belt and outfit!
i had my eyes on those belt that girl is wearing too! will you be posting a step by step tutorial? thanks!!
Great shoes
cute blouse, where's it from? I'm looking for one just like it. Also that is an adorable skirt length on you
that first photo is a stunner,
i hope you do post a tutorial!
Nice work!
I love your bag and your blouse !^^
hi :). i've never commented before (at least, i don't think?) but i've stalked your blog for a while now and i really love it (although love doesn't begin to cover how i felt about those boots with the flowers at the heels!!). i hope you wouldn't mind if i listed you in my inspirations?
have a great time in nyc!
i would love to see a DIY! i think it's great and you should be more than proud!
wow this outfit is awesome! i really like it. would be great to see a DIY tutorial on it, i love how the belt adds to the outfit :)
Love love love this look, how flat the bow is and the way the effect of the direction of the stripes. I can't imagine what you could do better. Definitely intend to make something similar, thanks for the inspiration!
Lovely style!
Oh, i love! And I loved that HelLooks girl too! You look ABSOULTELY perfect here though!!! I love the belt.
That outfit is so beautiful! I adore the shirt and it looks precous with the belt.
wow. thats totally cute.
you HAVE to make a tutorial!
It looks great! It has inspired me – though mine flatter... I do like the way the two bow sides pouf out in yours!
ooh, i am interested. that looks really cute on you!
i love it
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