Here's a look at some of the pieces that will be going up in the
store today. I'm busy right now trying to get the auctions ready to post. Be sure to stop by and check them all out. Thank so much!
(If you see something you like, click on the photo to see it a bit bigger)
mmmm, I like that blue floral dress :)
SO CUTE! i love the boots. adorable.
I love the first pick, it's totally my style!
the skirt is just so pretty
wow.. so nice!
OMG! Your style is wonderful! I added Your blog to my favourite:)
Ohhh, im amazed by the second pictures outfit :)
Yes, you really should! But I was all searious, you really do remind me of her espacially in that outfit. I could imagine so well Annik wearing it as well in those awesome black-and-white - pictures!
Love these new auctions too :)
that blue thing is ridiculous.
Thanks so much everyone!
Alice: That blue floral one really tempted me! I kinda wanted to keep it.
joanna: Be sure to check out the store because there are more shoes listed. Thanks!
the oracle: Thanks so much! I'll be sure to check you your blog as well.
iidaelina: Thanks again. I'd love to go back and watch Control again to study Annick's style.
anonymous: I know, right? I love it!
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