shirt: H&M
sweater vest you can't see: vintage
cape: vintage (a gift from Jesse at Humane Recipe)
jeans: Topshop
boots, purse, belt & umbrella: vintage
hat: Miller's Hats
Over the weekend Tom and I walked downtown to go to the Punk Rock Flea Market that is held twice a year at The Chameleon. I wasn't sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised to find three floors worth of stands selling everything from DIY jewelry, homemade soy candles, collector's toys and, of course, vintage clothes. We walked out with a pair of brown leather oxford with stacked wooden heels exactly like I've been searching for (more on those later) and three bottles of independently brewed hot sauces that I can't wait to try.
that cape is amazing!
and so it that location, the colour of those leaves is beautiful
Once again I love everything you're wearing. From head to toe.
I love the collage and your outfit. The cape and the jeans are my favorite!
My God, the photo is perfect!!!
I love your jacket! The leaves on the ground are beautiful! :o)
Love the outfit. And the umbrella! can't wait to see the shoes you got!
That cape is to die for!!!
I am so very jealous that you can wear vintage shoes. Which leaves me to wonder, did fashionable ladies of the past not have big feet or are they all horded up somewhere?
i'm so jealous of your pretty autumn leaves! you always have the best settings for your photographs.
also, it has just dawned on me who you remind me of - grace slick! you're quite the looker!
The leaves are gorgeous!
i cant believe it still looks so beautiful where you are! all the colorful leaves have disintegrated into the ground here.
wow so yellow! i love it and your outfit too.
hi sally, love your blog, beautiful pics, and you always look beautiful in any outfit :)
gorgeous cape!
Wow, i happened to stumble upon your blog by clicking "Next Blog" about 20 times, and i must say this is a wonderful find. beautiful photos and clothes have put your site on my bookmarked sites! :)keep up the fantastic posts!
love the cape!
Wow that cape is fabulous, the belt is perfect with it, makes it look modern. Love those autumn leaves, what a stunning backdrop.
Thanks for all of your comments!
dearliou: I don't know. It does seem like I find lots of really tiny vintage shoes. Surely people wore bigger sizes back then too!
rachel c.: Thanks so much! She was a very pretty lady. Thank goodness I don't have her problems though. ;)
copperoranges: The leaves are all just about gone now. Even those yellow leaves covering the sidewalk in my photos have turned to brown mush in the street.
Thanks again for all of your comments!
Very adorable from head to toe! :)
I love these shots!! The yellow leaves are amazing.
What a wonderful outfit - may we use these photos to feature in our "Street Beat" newsletter? It profiles stylish bloggers from across the globe - you can view it on our home page at: www.alwaysinstyle.com.
Please let me know, thanks!
always in style: Yes, you may use these photos as long as you link back to my blog. Thanks!
Amazing, I love it! The umbrella and cape are soooooo good!
the miller's hat! is a killer! love it soo much! and and and i lovveee he photos soo mucch! great pic!
those are such great photos! =) i love the background of fall leaves and how you made your photos look like they were developed from film...
Wow. You look fantastic!
Photos are great.
OMG this is such an incredible blog !
Each of your outfits is so beautiful, perfect, and very stylish !
I love it!
Are all of these frames that you use Adobe Photoshop brushes? If so, can you tell me where? I've been looking for these film and polaroid brushes forever! Thanks!
Hi Jen. Actually, these are not Photoshop brushes but frames that I use in layers when I'm editing my photos. Thanks!
I see, if you don't mind my asking, where did you get these frames? They're perfect!
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