Every once in a while I veer off topic here on the blog - nine out of ten times about our cats. After working from home this past year it seems that they've become an even bigger part of my life than they've ever been before. I guess that's to be expected when I'm spending pretty much 24 hours a day with them. At any given time we have quite the motley crew of cats hanging around our apartment. We tend to always gravitate towards those scraggly one-eyed, one-eared sort that no one else seems to want. Rocky, my constant lap companion and frequent photo supervisor, was a street cat living under cars in east LA when a kind stranger picked him up. I saw him in a cage at an adopt-a-cat day put on by a local non-profit group in LA. His white paws were brown from grease, his head was three times too big for his scrawny body and his face was covered in scratches. One look and I knew he had to come home with me. That was a year and ten months ago. The only downside to bringing home those older animals is sometimes they don't get to spend enough time in your life. Today my lap is empty. Goodbye Rocky. You'll be missed.
I'm taking a couple of days off from blogging. I'm sure you understand. We start our holiday road trip to Alabama tomorrow. I'll be back soon with lots of photos and stories of our adventures.
Strangely enough, your cat reminds me a little bit of a horse. Not in a bad way, of course. RIP, Rocky.
Hope you are well :)
Oh no, that's so sad! But I bet he had a wonderful life as a senior with you!
Omg I'm sorry about your cat! He looks so cute! At least you know that you showed him kindness in his last year that he probably never experienced before! :)
I'm so sorry. What a lovely picture.
So sorry for your loss. I've always felt such a special connection to my furry little friends. It's always heartbreaking when they pass on. I'm sure he had a wonderful life with you. Have a good trip to Bama.
I'm so sorry <3 I lost both of my cats within a year of each other, and it is something I will never get over. It is always comforting to know that they were loved with all your heart <3
As everyone else had already said, I'm really sorry...
I'm so sorry. You gave him a second chance at life and he showed his appreciation with love. R.I.P. Rocky.
i'm so very sorry!
i know he had a good life with you.
I'm sorry, of course I understand you taking time off. Have a good roadtrip!
oh no!! this is making me tear up. losing a little family member is awful. i have four cats, myself. the oldest, max, is about ten. it's still kind of early, but i'm not looking forward to seeing him go someday. he was my first cat ever, and looked after me during one lonely year in brooklyn.
anyway, i'm sorry for your loss :( he's in a kitty happy place now.
I wish I was able to have cats where I live. They are such great companions!
megan / http://mallratcouture.blogspot.com
i'm so very sorry!!!
Saving animals isn't always easy, sorry about your loss. Have a grand time in Bama Land, the skies have been gray lately so be prepared :))
Happy Holidaze**jess**
My condolences on your cat. At least he was well-loved.
Have a sweet break.
I'm so sorry about your kitty. Pets can be so special and it's tough to lose them.
I hope you have a wonderful break!
What a beautiful kitty, I hope this winter break will give you enough time to recooperate and have fun
I'm all teary, for real. I'm so sorry, I would be so saddened if any of my cats were to pass on. Just remember the great life you gave him and how much he loved you.
Take care, happy holidays
*HUGS* to you for your poor lost kitty. And even bigger hugs for being such a kind heart as to take in all the kitties that would otherwise never have had a home because they've got a few scratches or a missing organ ;-P You gave him a life I am sure he never even dreamed of having. His last days have surely been spent in peace with much love from you and your partner. Please never give up the rescue mission. Its people like you that re-install my faith in humankind's love for other creatures :-)
RIP Rocky
I am so very sorry for your loss of Rocky! He was so beautiful! The post about Rocky in November was the cutest ever!
Please take care!
Im so sorry. I know what its like to loose a kitty. I've lost a few to. The pain can sometimes be endless.
Oh no! I'm so sorry! Losing a kitty is horrible. At least you know that Rocky had a good life.
Oh, that made me cry, it's so sad and beautiful at the same time. Adopting an older pet is the most unselfish act, because you know you'll be left behind too soon, but I'm sure he enjoyed his last year-and-ten-months living the high life with you.
this is hello from singapore (:
it's really nice of you to take home pets who arent so blessed. i'm sure rocky is really happy to have you as an owner. i've two cats and i cant imagine losing them one day.
take care on your trip! (:
oh, I'm so sorry! that's really sad...
hope you have a great trip and a lot of cats find someone to take care of them like you did with rocky.
best wishes from brazil
I'm so sorry, I know just how you feel. Do your best to enjoy the trip.
juliet xxx
I am very sorry about your loss. Please accept my condolences.
Oh, this seriously made me cry :( Cats (animals in general) can have such personalities and i know how it feels to lose one.. Enjoy your short break :)
I'm so sorry. It is always so hard to loose a pet.
My sympathies on the loss of your lap cat. :(
Have a nice trip.
i'm so sorry for your loss. but your writing about him is touching! happy holidays and safe travels to you.
i'm so so sorry to hear that, i hope you are ok.
i know how you feel about being a cat fanatic, i'm one too!
my thoughts are with you xxxxx
Aw; I'm so sorry for your loss; Darling Rocky have had such a tough life! But I'm sure he's happy now((:
Enjoy your road trip dear!
Happy Holidays!
your cats are soooooooooooo cute.
can't wait to hear about your stories, have a fun trip!
Awww, I love kitties.
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. Happy Holidays dear!
I literally just cried reading that.
When my cats die, guaranteed I'll be a wreck for days.
It's official, my tombstone is going to read "R.I.P. Crazy Cat Lady".
So sorry about your lap companion.
I'm so sorry for your loss and fell with you, he had some wonderful time with you, keep that in mind! Best wishes from Germany.
As a cat lover myself, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to have my lap empty. ((HUGS))
this is incredibly belated (i havn't checked up on my favourite blogs since before the holidays even started) but i'm so sorry to hear about your mister kitty! We just had to put my family kitty down a month or two ago and it was the hardest!!
That's so sad to hear!
I'm sure he had a wonderfull time with you!
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