I am hard at work getting everything ready to post the new auctions on Sunday. So far, I have managed to finished up with the shoes and now it's time to move on to the clothes. Here's what I have so far! This is partly a result of the massive closet clean out that happened earlier this week. You'd think that since most of these shoes came out of my closet they'd all be the same size, but alas, that is not the case. I think that just goes to show how determined I can be to wear a pair of shoes whether they be too big or too small as long as I love them. I felt a bit like Goldilocks as I went through my collection. A bit too big, a bit too small, but none of them just right. So... I'm hoping they'll all find good new homes with you!
I'm the same way, often scrunching my feet into a pair of shoes and reciting the mantra "beauty is pain, beauty is pain..." I hope some of these shoes are my size!
They're all in sizes ranging from 6 to 8. I'll have more details once the auctions are posted. Thanks!
darn. i'm a zize 9 :(
Oh, that Ferragamos are so cute. What size are them?
Those are awesome. I love vintage shoes too!
Thanks for the info.!! I love to wear vintage shoes.
they are all so cute, but my favourites are the maroon ones in the middle!
Thanks everyone!
The Ferragamos are a size 6.5.
These are pretty good collection of Shoes and I liked all the black colored ones.
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