Back to the photo at hand... the girl in the tank top and shorts is killing me with her simple but perfect spring outfit and the dress on the right is either older Lyell or the most perfect vintage dress ever. I even love the tile floor! Then I realized that the pretty silk camisole with the intricate lace is the same one I'd been admiring in this photo. I did a quick Ebay search, thinking "what are the chances I'd find this exact piece for sale?". But much to my surprise, there it was. In my size! For a fraction of the original price! I marked the auction to watch it and planned my strategy for bidding. I had it all worked out but just before the auction ended the seller suddenly pulled the item down and dashed my hopes for finally getting my hands on a piece of Lyell. Oh, well. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Now I'm determined to find something just as delicate and pretty on my next vintage shopping trip. I've added silk blouses and camisoles to my must have list for spring.

your photo compositions are getting better all the time! i love this group!!!
i agree, i love the shorts and the floral dress. It's so springy.
And oh, i'm inspired to braid my hair.
o what an evil seller to take down an auction w bids! it is a lovely dress. you will find it again or maybe one even better.
i actually yelled at my computer a lil while back when a seller took down their auction for a vint sweater w laurel & hardy knit into it. i should be wearing that thing right now!
also that dress looks more like a top & skirt, untucked but intended to be tucked in.. 30s and way shortened. the sleeves, neck and fabric (what i can tell anyway) seem to be of a different style than the length. could also be 40s but the length is still wrong... and the illusion lace at the neck is more a 30s detail. imagine the skirt at ankle length and this is defly 30s.
i bet if you hunt vint 30s patterns for a while you will find this!
i need to learn how to do cool braids in my hair STAT! love this look...would you like to trade links?
you should try that braid thing with your hair sj! yours is the perfect length!
ill check that site,
sally jane, i love your site, am always a fan.
A seller yanked the perfect little swing dress that I'd narrowed my hunt down to after days of scouring. Like you say, wasn't meant to be I suppose. Anyway, lovely pics -- what a sweet smile on this pretty braided gal! :)
I love those photos and the way you did the composition ! The floral shorts & dress are great :)
kirsten dunts also did it few years ago! pretty!
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