25 July 2009

The First Hint of Autumn


I have to say that right now my fashion roots are still planted firmly in the summer soil. I'm enjoying wearing sundresses and shorts and sandals. Perhaps it's because of all the summers I've ever experienced, this has been the mildest. The temperature has rarely risen out of the seventies and I've barely had to break a sweat. Usually it's around this time that I start dreaming about wool and tweed and tights and boots but so far those thoughts haven't really crossed my mind.

I know I'll reach that breaking point eventually and when I do, the first thing I'm going to want to look at is A.P.C.'s F/W 10 collection (geez, that sounds so futuristic!). Although my meager pockets have never allowed me to own a piece from A.P.C. they are always one of my biggest go-to sources for inspiration. These are my favorite looks from the F/W collection. I tend to lean towards to simpler, solid color pieces and the muted plaids rather than the super woodsy-Paul-Bunyan-inspired looks.



Anonymous said...

who doesn't love Paul Bunyan inspired looks?

Josephine Frances said...

APC really does have some great looks, I often enjoy their shoes more than anything

Dani said...

ohhh i'm already dreaming of fall. you're lucky you've had such good temps! i can't take this sweltering heat!


Dani said...

oh no! just saw your sister blog... i love that h&m paisley dress. tell me, is it really short? more like a tunic? or about mid-thigh?


Sally Jane Vintage said...

Dani: That dress is probably about 34 inches long. It hits about mid thigh - definitely above the knee but not too super short. Certainly long enough to be worn as a dress.

chelsea said...

Coming from logging country you think I'd be turned off by plaid, but I am so not. I am lusting after it, actually.

Amy P. said...

Hi, it's my first time commenting. :}

I adore the first look. I think it's those mauve wedges on black tights. Mmmhmmm.

The part of Southern California I live in really doesn't have any distinctive seasons...and never any humidity. So every kind of clothing is on my mind.

Sarah said...

So beautiful!!

Amy // The Girl In The Bowler Hat said...

Ooo I can't wait for autumn! This time last year I can of worn whatever so I'm pretty excited to get layering things and such :)

I love plaid, I'll be wearing tons of that and layers and coloured tights for autumn :]

lovely outfits


Madi. said...

I love you blog!!

This is why I have awarded you the Lemonade Stand Award :)

See my blog to accept it (www.blog-me-famous.blogspot.com).


lovintrash said...

Lovely looks!!!

the Autumn is coming.....

A.P.C is amazing!!!



Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

Oh I love all the colors used in the middle one of the last set. The colors are so popular right now in cosmetics, it's nice to see so many of them combined into one outfit.



Katy at A Life Fulfilled: Atlanta said...

Beautiful clothes! I just can't wait for fall. It's my favorite season by far — and in Georgia, we're ready to get through the heat. :)

Lydia said...

GAH! This collection (which I've seen several glimpses of all over the internet) has been making me almost wish it were cool... Crisp and unique, a lovely fall inspiration.

Ms. Smith said...

Has anyone noticed that her knees have been airbrushed out? The pic with the leather mini - she virtually has no knees!

Jules said...

Awesome! Love the first set. =D

A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo

kadler said...

I always love APC's clothes - but look at those shoes!

Tom and Maria said...

Here in England we aren't really having a summer, I have barely even worn any of the sweet summer dresses I bought back in Spring. I love Autumn clothes so much, I feel much more comfortable in them and they suit me better, but I do crave just a couple of days hot enough to simply wear a dress and sandals. Wearing Autumn clothes in July is a bit saddening, it leaves nothing to look forward to!

Isabel said...

I need those shoes!

jesse.anne.o said...

I love APC's stylists. Their postcards and catalogs are always so crisp!

WendyB said...

I'm a summer girl...hate having to bundle up!

Ms. Smith said...

@jesse.anne.o > It's crisp because they airbrush out the models skin to high heaven, including knees!

Anonymous said...


and very pretty model
she is lovely

Anonymous said...


and very pretty model
she is lovely

jesse.anne.o said...

@Bec - okay, that's disturbing.