Sorry for the spotty posting this week. My mind has been just about everywhere except fashion. It's been in the works for a while and now it's official... we're moving! But, unlike our last two epic cross country treks, this time we're moving (drumroll, please)... a whole seven blocks! I'll be so sad to leave our wonderful apartment with its super high ceilings and brick wall but we've always dreamed of moving into an old house and fixing it up. Our new place was built in 1867 so I think it fits the bill. The actual move won't be until the end of August but we're already busying ourselves with plans for renovations and decorating and having a little vegetable garden and all the other fun things that come with living in a house.
There will be a new studio space for all things Sally Jane Vintage and I have so many ideas swirling around in my head I can barely stand it! Needless to say, there will be lots of new things for the blog and the shop in the months to come. I'll keep selling right through the move so there won't be any
interruption to the shop but the blog may suffer a bit while we get settled. I've already found myself being pulled away from the usual fashion sites I peruse in favor of interior design sites and home improvement
DIY sites. I came across this
New York Times article via
Darling Dexter and can't stop staring at the photos. I think the whole place is just perfection!

Congratulations! How exciting! I can't wait to see how you decorate and all! Good luck with the move :)
this place is just absolutely gorgeous
i love it
keep up the beautiful inspiration!
gorgeous blog!
check out my blog @
I cannot wait to see how you fix the place up. I dunno if it could be even better than your current apartment but I'm excited
I'm jealous - Lancaster County has the BEST old houses! My Mennonite family has lived there for hundreds of years. Can't wait to see what you do.
Perfection indeed! I'm loving all the green tones in this house. I too am moving in a couple of months, and now have new inspiration.
My dream is to own an old house and fix it up. I can't wait to see the new "studio" pictures and read about your decorating inspiration. The one you've posted is already giving me more ideas. Off to paint my stairs! hahaha
Congratulations! I love old houses and I can't wait to see what you do with your new place.
Thats is definitely a dream home! I bet yours will be just as beautiful x
ohh your new home sounds wonderful! I also love love love these pictures of this house; I'd love to live there!
Congratulation! A house of you own, a vegetable garden. I'm dreaming of that ever since. I hope that everything turns out as a pleasure and not too much stress.
Already very excited. I hope you're going to document a little?
Love, Dotti
congratulations...that's so exciting! I'm sure we'll all be waiting eagerly to see the photos you take of your new place and all of the ideas you have for it:)
big congrats for the moving ;D
it's such a huge dream of mine too..having a nice homie and ideas of decorating our own house with the tons of our orginal ideas.
Have a nice living Sally Jane ;)
This place is awesome!! For sure you must be really busy with plans! I love the excitement for that kind of projects... For sure, the result will be gorgeous!!
Have fun!!
perfection, indeed! congratulations and best wishes on your move....
Wow what an amazing place - love that fridge. Looking forward to seeing yours in August!
Polly Farthing Vintage Blog
That's so exciting! I can't wait to move into a house and all of the things that come along with it! I'm sure your blog readers won't mind any absences, as long as you show us pictures of the house as it comes along. :)
It's a dream house! so perfect. congratulations!!
Congrats! You're going to have such a dream house! Old house + studio full of vintage clothing + vegetable garden...ah!!
oh wow! Congrats, I hope to see heaps and heaps of the home while you're renovating it. A house that old must be exploading with character!
Those pictures just make me sigh. I would die for a cute stairway, garden, or even table dressing like that.
Congrats!! I'm pretty sure you'll do a great work :-)
Today I paid the last part of my home loan and now I officially own my apartment though I don't wanna live here forever...I want a garden and some other silly day, one day...!
The same thing happened to me when I bought my home, I was obsessed with decor blogs...So silly and exciting!
Oh my gosh, it's all so beautiful! I love all this.
Congratulations on the move! And I know you're probably busy, but I wanted to let you know I've sent you the interview questions for Enamor Magazine. :)
those photos look like a dream. I'm jealous of your pending decorating tasks. I can't wait to have a home of my own to make beautiful. good luck, be sure to keep us readers updated!
Wow, congrats! I love old homes so much! Moving 7 blocks will be swell, so much easier then having to rent a truck or something. Have a lovely weekend! :o)
That house is absolutely beautiful! Have fun starting a new life there!
diggin those suitcases!
The place sounds like it's wonderful! I love old houses, especially those beautiful Victorian ones that fill a whole street in L.A. There are some great houses, including ones from movies and TV shows.
Those are beautiful photos, can't believe I can get that excited over a cool fridge. We have a house over 100 years old. I love it, but it is a true labor of love!
congrats on the move! we are currently keeping our eyes open for a house more in the country than where we are right now. I can't wait to have a garden again!
the photos are stunningly gorgeous:]
gorgeous! my dream home!! congratulations!!!
totally beaut!
Funnily enough I just posted about this house too- I honestly don't think I've seen a prettier cottage in a long, long time. I'm so jealous that you're moving into an old house! Let me photograph the interiors once you're done as I'm sure they will be wonderful!
What wonderfull news!!
I hope you post pictures of the new house soon!
Good luck with the move!
Simply adorable!!!!
Sometimes, house interiors are just as interesting as fashion!
At first, I thought that THAT was the house you were moving too and I was about to cry and shake with jealousy!! What a place!
Congratulations on the new house! Great ideas all around.
I like your blog!
love this house!!!
your blog is amazing.
i want to live there
what a splendid home!
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