When I was doing a round up of all of my favorite fall collections I neglected to include one I really love. I guess that makes sense because this particular collection has been sitting in a folder on my computer since early spring, just waiting for the weather to cool. It's the fall collection for Secret Squirrel and since it's from Down Under it premiered in what was spring to us Northern Hemisphere dwellers. At the time I was tired of tights and dreaming of warmer days after a pretty long and snowy winter. I put these photos away, knowing they'd be just the thing I'd love to ponder once I could imagine wanting to wear tights again. And boy, was I right!

Oh how I'm not willing to admit that fall is here...but I do have to face reality. Love the nice clean look of this collection and the chambray blue shirt with the grey tweed skirt is fabulous. Thanks for hanging on collection in your folder an posting it now.
Top left & middle right are right up my alley!! Awesome photos..sooo excited for Fall!!
loving the coat
The black frilly cardigan is lovely and I really like the stripey cardigan - that might even work for the office!
And you statesiders are always way more up on Australian designers, I feel like I'm letting the local scene down :)
That coat and the tweed skirt are so perfect! I can't wait to find similar pieces to this. Love the overall look :]
I love all the coats !
Lovely collection!!!
Love it. Especially that second outfit with the polka dot blouse.
that black floral dress!!!
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