photos & collage by Tom b.
- 60s wool wiggle dress
- 50s pillbox hat
- 60s mary-janes
- vintage purse
- DIY bird headband
- fake blood!

So here it is... my Halloween costume! I can't even tell you how long I've been wanting to be Melanie Daniels for Halloween. Years! I bought this wool dress at a thrift store over the summer with the intention to sell it in the Etsy shop but upon close inspection it was full of little moth holes, putting it squarely into Halloween costume territory. Everything else for the costume was found in my closet, except for the bird headband, of course. It's made from a few fake birds I ordered from a Halloween prop shop, some wire and a headband.

We thought it would be fun to have a little photoshoot before I left for the evening in the spirit of the original Hitchcock movie. If only we had a phone booth next to our house! A little trivia about the movie... did you know that Tippi Hedren is Melanie Griffith's mother? And her name in the movie was Melanie? Coincidence?!

Ahhh!! I love it!! I may just have to borrow this idea for next year....!!
WOW..this is the best costume inspired by the birds I've seen!!!!
i am in love with this costume idea! you pull it off perfectly.
this movie TERRIFIED me in high school -- the first hitchcock movie i'd ever seen! your costume is fabulous!
Haha oh my god that costume is AMAZING! I LOVE it! So original
I love it! It's a brilliant idea and (in my book, at least =P) a thoroughly original costume. ^^
I love your costume!
Seriously AWESOME costume!!
That movie totally freaks me out....you look great!!!
Stop by and say Hello ♥
Statements in Fashion Blog
Oh. My. Goodness.
This is the best Hallowe'en costume I've ever seen! I love how you've edited the first image too - on first glance I didn't even realise it was you!
Sally x
Louder Than Silence
Just one word: GENIUS!!!!!!!!
haha, this is brilliant!! i love that you didn't forget adding the fake blood.
plus, the dress is gorgeous!
boat ride through the sky
Great costume choice.
this is so cute, i would wear it on a normal day.. minus the blood:) http://www.fashionablenotebook.blogspot.com
Amazing photoshoot !! I actually only saw The Birds last year and since the memory is very fresh I can say that you captured the atmosphere very well :)
OMG! I love the costume you made!!!
OMG, that movie has given me a life-long fear of birds! I somehow watched it repeatedly as a kid, even though we only had three channels and it must have been on during the day??? I don't know how that is possible but to this day I'm freaked out by birds.
Even so I LOVE your costume and am thinking that copying your idea may be therapeutic for me ;-)
Amazing costume! Very creative :)
aaaa it 's awsome !! so cool, well done
Ahh this is one of the best Halloween costumes I've seen this year!! :)
I have been tempted for years to also try this costume! ;) It's so fun with all the birds... lol. I love your version--so imaginative!
♥ Casey | blog
Such an amazing costume! Love it!
I love that movie! And what a cute costume you made from it. Great job!
Wow you look abosolutely crazy!
BRAVO my friend!! excellent execution, really great photos, and GREAT pick. :)
Seriously one of the coolest Halloween costume I've ever seen, its morbid AND adorable.
Ha, so good!! Maybe my favorite costume I've seen this year!
That's such a lovely idea, I remember the first time I watched the Birds, I must have been about 7 and was terrified!
So amazing Jennifer. This is by far the best costume I've seen yet!
Lulu Letty
The best costume ever! I love her character and the film itself...
This is AMAZING. Even without the bird hat, you look smashing!
nat // juxta-posing.tumblr.com
Oh my goodness!!! That is AWESOME!!!
very well done!! i dressed up as melanie daniels too for halloween a couple years ago, it was such a fun costume to wear! will have to look around and see if i have any pictures : )
That is such a great costume. I love the birds.
wow awesome. and very original!
fab fab fab! love the first picture and the idea is utterly
original :)
The wiggle dress also reminded me I have a pattern here somewhere for one that I've been meaning to make lol x
This halloween outfit is definately something to crow about! I love it and the dress is so wonderful.
wow, so gorgeous. you absolutely nailed it ;]
This is every kind of awesome! WOW.
bahahah! this is the best halloween outfit I've seen yet! brilliant!
That is absolutely brilliant !!!!! best costume ever and the photos were amazing. Love love love it !!!!!
Oh wow! This is amazing! How very creative haha! I'm sure I would have stared forever if I had seen smeone dressed like this / try to bat away the birds attacking them!
You look lovely!
Ayesha x
Wow, that's the best costume ! x
your halloween is so fun I die for the catsuit!Ck out my fashion blog super cheeky and subscribe at fashionbaggage.com
cannot even handle how awesome this is. DEFINITE HALLOWEEN WIN! you're incredible!
PS the fake blood is both tasteful and accurate. love.
Wow! This is brillant! I love it. As much as I love the movie :)
This seriously is the best Halloween costume I have ever seen! Kodos to you;)
that's great!I love Hitchcock's movies!I've even done my graduating thesis on one of his works!And your Halloween idea is the best one I've seen this year!Can I take one of your pictures to post it on my blog?
kisses and hugs from Italy ;)
what a unique idea - however did you come up with it! loves it so much!
this look is great !!!!!!!!
this is my dream costume! you've pulled it off beautifully. great job!
most creative costume ever. Beautiful job!!!
An amazing dress and an amazing costume! Well done.
I love your blog and though mine is not directly about fashion, I thought you'd be versatile enough to appreciate it.
Thank you for your brand new ideas on how to wear new and old things.
oh it's http://www.livesandliving.blogspot.com. For your perusal.
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