- 50s cotton embroidered blouse
- thrifted hand crocheted cardigan
- Fletcher for Lyell tweed shorts
- AA tights
- 30s oxfords
- vintage wool beret
- vintage umbrella
- vintage Coach purse
- listening to Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - The Lyre of Orpheus "Breathless"

It's funny how just when you think you have things really together, life tends to throw a wrench right into the middle of everything. I was finally getting back on track after my vacation and really into the swing of blogging again until early this week when everything went topsy-turvy. I try to keep the blog a happy place, a creative outlet where I unleash all my frivolous thoughts about fashion and such but I have to admit, it's been quite a somber week around our house.
The details are all too terrible to write in detail but Tom and I had quite a scare last Monday morning as we awoke to the sound of sirens and the smell of smoke in our house. We had only moments to gather a few belongings before the firemen were at our door telling us to leave our home. When all was done and we were able to return to our house a few hours later, we were only minorly inconvenienced compare to our neighbors who lost everything in the fire.
In the face of such real life events it's sometimes hard to return to a regular routine of blogging (or anything, really) but I think a return to normalcy is just the thing that will get my mind off all of it. It feels strange to be writing about it, but if felt even more strange not to.

In an effort to get back into the routine of things I went out yesterday to take a few outfit photos. By myself. In the cold. While it was raining. It wasn't exactly the most fun I've had taking photos, but I was determined to get through it and in the end, I'm glad I did.
As soon as I got back from taking these, Tom and I finally committed to something we've been talking about for ages; adopting another furry critter from the local Humane League! We knew we wanted to add a third cat to the bunch, but I was so nervous about going to pick one out. There are so many and I knew I'd want to take all of them home with me! In the end, we brought home a little guy named Stewie (the name may not stick). He's five years old, has adorable white paws and loves to look out the window. I think he's going to be just the thing I need to get my mind off the last week.

Oh my goodness! That is quite something to turn things upside down... We had something similar last week, though thankfully it didn't end in a fire or anything. But it is sombering to have something like that happen so close. Hope your neighbors are alright!
I really love this outfit--the cardigan is so darling! I instantly started to wonder when I saw these pictures if I could knit something similar for myself. ;) lol. Your new family addition is so adorable to!!!! Cats with little white paws are always the cutest. ;)
♥ Casey | blog
you look gorgeous with this amazing outfit!
I really like your shorts and your jacket! perfect!:)
and also your pictures are so cute!
Remember, this is my blog now: www.atrendydream.blogspot.com
thanks darling!
There were so many fires in Lancaster last week. Glad you guys and your home were ok.
I'm so sorry to hear about the fire, but it sounds like you were lucky!
The pictures look beautiful though, and i love that umbrella.
I'm sure the lovely cat will help you . A cat brings always a smile.
That cardigan is GORGEOUS! Just a picky knitter's note though, it is crocheted :) A common mistake. I love the bobbles on the yoke and the high pockets, it is a very unique!
I'm sorry to hear about the house fire, that's awful. A new kitty sounds like a perfect distraction.
Love the little balls and the color of that sweater. It so nice to have colors back....
Stewie is very cute. I'm glad to hear that you were able to be untouched by the fire. Sorry about your neighbors. That would be hard to go into the blogging world after that experience, I'm sure. You look lovely even though it was rainy and I adore your outfit.
Oh dear, I'm so sorry for what happened Jennifer. I can only imagine how scary that could be for you guys. The concern is visible on your expression but you did the right thing, trying to get everything back on track is really the only way to move on! And I can tell you right now that a new cat will change your life, there's nothing you can do, he will! ;)
Be strong and take care,
Glad to hear that you are ok. Love your outfit. Stewie sounds cute - when can we see him??
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear about the fire! In my old apartment back in San Francisco, before I moved in to it but when my friends were living there, there was a fire in the building and their/our apartment was one of the only two spared! For a long time after I moved in with those friends we remained the only ones in the entire building and the hallway was all burned and blackened. It was a near constant reminder every time we left the little world of our apartment and went out into the rest of the building of these very "real life events!" And I'm sure you must be experiencing a similar thing now. My sympathy to your neighbors! But thankfully you and yours are safe!
We're glad to have you back at the blog and you look lovely and adorable as always! And congrats on the new addition to the furry clan!
I'm so glad you two are alright.
Oh my goodness, how scary! After the fire I was in, I had major post traumatic stress issues even just from smelling the smoke from a distant BBQ. EMDR (google will explain) cured it in one session. Though, cats cure most everything too!
Oh, wow, I'm so sorry to hear about the fire. I can't imagine. I've always had this fear of house fires for some reason but I've never had to experience one. I hope your neighbors will be restored soon. And I hope you cheer up, yourself! This outfit is lovely. The pictures are great. And a new kitty?? I love cats. :)
Yikes, what a scare! I'm happy to hear you and your pets and house are all okay.
Also, Stewie is super cute. Cats: they cure what ails ya.
nat // juxta-posing.tumblr.com
Good heavens! I'm so glad you guys are OK, but how terrible about your neighbors. I admire your efforts to return to normalcy. Lovely shots, adorable cardigan! And congrats on the new addition. Hugs to you!
I'm so sorry for what happened. Glad to hear that you're okay!
I'm glad you and yours, and your home are safe. I'm also happy to hear you adopted an adult kitty. Too many people just get kittens and ignore the wonderful, loving adult cats that need homes too. He looks like a sweetie. I'd call him "Boots" ;)
Your new cat is adorable. Glad you and yours were O.K. after such a scare.
Of course something sudden and scary like this would take a while to shake off. Glad it all worked out ok. Stewie looks like a right character :)
And these pics are just lovely btw. The umbrella is just brilliant and so is your cardigan
Hope you get back in the swing of thigns soon :)
This is such a great look. I think the cardigan is my favorite.
nice combination umbrella with this style of clothes
bbq caterers Toronto
Aw! I so very glad you are safe! What a terrible thing to happen :(
These are lovely photos too. I guess sometimes the regular routine (like taking photos) is the best thing to do to get your life back to normal!
Stay safe,
Ayesha x
Lovely pictures yet again :)
I'm relieved to hear that you and Tom are okay. It is sad for your neighbours though. I admire your commitment to your blog and your store.
Also looking forward to seeing pictures of your new cat. :D
you look very cute as always!
Love the shorts!!!
I'm so glad you guys are okay! This look is amazing!
Wow. There has just been so many awful things happening to people in the last 10 days. (It's funny, but it's always a profusion of simultaneous bad things that makes me start to wonder if there's something metaphysical in the world after all...) I'm so glad that you and Tom and your kitties are ok. I hope that your neighbors had a good insurance policy at the very least... how horrible :(
You look lovely. That umbrella is pure magic. Congrats on the new addition to the family! I think it's great that you're adopting an adult cat, too.
I really love your cardigan! great look!
Stewie looks a great friend!
it will surelly help you to get back to your routine.
love the cardigan.
Sorry to hear about that. I am glad to hear that you are alright. Take care. Love your blog.
Your determination and perseverance is inspiring. I am so happy that you, your family, nor your business are not hurt btw!♥
Ahh... Jennifer! I hope none of the damage is too permanent. Thank god your smoke detectors worked and that the firemen got there in time. A cat sounds like the perfect remedy to a saddened soul. You look really lovely, too! Hang in there and take as much time as you need getting back into the blogging routine. We'll still be coming back again and again.
I love your umbrella!
so sorry to hear about the fire and for your neighbors. thank God no one was hurt, it's crazy you just never know how your day will go or end. praying for you and your neighbors...gisela
That's so scary! Cats are perfect for bringing calmness back into life during stressful times, especially cute ones. <3
And those oxfords are amazing!
Oh no, that's one of my worst nightmares. I am glad that everone is ok x
Excuse me, how is one to know the difference btw the true Wool beret from the Acrylic one? thank you!
Brilliant outfit, love that combo.
I love this photos, vintage chic)))
Your blog is very beautiful!!!
Aww kitty:) Cool shoes too
I love love love this look! I would wear it just the same if I had that beautiful cardi..
Love Nadinoo x
i am just catching up on my blog reading, and i am so sorry you had to experience such a scary event. my heart goes out to your neighbors.
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