photos by Tom b.
- thrifted Ecote dress
- vintage Bass penny loafers
- UO boater hat

Wow, it feels like just yesterday I was writing a Monday post. Somehow, this past week completely disappeared. The weekend was lovely with a little sunshine during the days and lots of storms at night. I love sleeping to the sound of thunder. I even saw my first dogwood blooming which got me super excited. Tomorrow I'm finally getting outside to plant the hostas and astilbes I've been hoarding since early spring. I've already transplanted the snow peas I started inside to the garden. I can't wait for the day I can fill my plate with veggies grown in our own backyard! OK, enough with boring you with my gardening. ;)

Over the weekend (or was it late last week... it's really all running together), I made a quick stop at a local Salvation Army while I was running errands to see if I could snag anything for the shop. While I was browsing the skirt section I spotted two vintage clad gals chatting away about what I surmised to be the new "Dresscue Me" show about Shareen's in Los Angeles. When I first started selling vintage I used to go to Shareen's monthly $3 sale. On the bus. In the sweltering LA summer. I would literally drag home a giant garbage bag full of vintage dresses to sell. Ah, those were the days.
Since I rarely run into anyone around these parts that shares my love of thrifting/vintage/fashion, I promptly inserted myself into their conversation. It turned out to be Sammy from Sammy Davis Vintage and Amelia from New Old Fashion Vintage. They were both perfectly lovely and we chatted for a bit about whether Shareen is really as crazy as she seems on show (I haven't seen it yet, but she was her own brand of crazy when I used to shop there), the best places to thrift in town, our favorite vintage shops and running into not-so-friendly vintage pickers at thrift store. It was wonderful to meet you ladies, just in case you're reading this!

you are too cute. i love your brown dress, and the location is awesome!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Oh how lovely Jennifer! You look really pretty in these pictures. It must have been nice to meet two nice gals who share your same love for vintage, it rarely happen to me as well!
Have a wonderful monday!
What an amazing shout out. Thank you Jennifer! Now the real question is ... where are these tennis courts? I was hypothesizing Lancaster Country Club but maybe county park ... ?
Can't wait for a thrift field trip with you soon. lots of love and have a very happy spring!
xx Sammy
everything about this outfit, the styling, the location and the pictures is perfection. I'm in love!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Beautiful!And I love this look with Loafers!! Now following!! Sammy recommended ;-) Brande
I am in love with that dress! And I love your pictures!
I love the simplicity of this outfit Jennifer, gorgeous photos, I love this dress on you!
Emma x
Thanks so much for all of your comments! Sammy... we're at Long's Park!
I'd love to hear more from your vegetal garden!
You look as beautiful as ever in this outfit.
LOVE that dress! You look beautiful :-)
Little Rachael
Little Rachael
Little Rachael
Unfortunately I never made it to Shareen Vintage when I lived in L.A. and when I went back on my visit last March was warned that prices had went up and the quality gone down so didn't go then either. Am so envious of your stories about $3 vintage dresses though!
Sweet outfit and lovely setting as always-- was it an abandoned tennis court/playground?
Love that dress! Beautiful colors!
I can never get enough of your wonderful photographs. I am becoming more and more tempted to invest in a super-duper camera!
it's always nice to talk to people that are obsessed with the same things you are every once in awhile isn't it ?!
p.s. you're hair is looking lovely!
Hi Jennifer
lovely outfit and yes hasn't the last week gone super fast. It is especially fast for me because I have been on holidays and go back to work tomorrow :)
loving the new dresses in your shop too :)
Cute dress!!
Gorgeous dress :) What a lovely chance encounter!
I think brown is your best color. You wear it perfectly when you do, I think!
You look very beautiful. I really like the colour of hair and your love the shoes.
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