This morning we awoke to a rather cruel April Fool's joke courtesy of Mother Nature; a light blanket of snow covering the ground. Come on Mother Nature! Do the right thing! It's time for spring already. I think my southern roots are really showing this time of year. I'm not accustomed to these long drawn-out winters. Down south I hear the temperatures are rising, the dogwoods are blooming and the grass is turning green. Well, I'm turning green with envy. I know everyone is probably tired of hearing me bitch about the weather! Sorry about that. I just know I haven't been doing many outfit posts and that sort of thing... blame it on the cold. I've sort of given up on wearing anything remotely fashionable until it gets a little warmer. So... long story short I just wanted to say things will get back to normal around here once the weather cooperates!
In the meantime, I've been spending some time with Mildred Pierce. The HBO miniseries debuted the first two parts on Sunday. While I didn't love it the way I was hoping I would, it was wonderful to look at! The set decoration and costumes were certainly the best part. Leading up to the debut HBO was running several "behind the scenes" sort of pieces. One was about the art direction and included lots of references to a photographer that inspired many of the shots in the miniseries. His name? Saul Leiter.
I'd never heard of Leiter but since I loved the look of the miniseries so much I was intrigued to see more of his work. I can definitely see the influence on Mildred Pierce. Many of the shots are done through windows; the bus, the diner, out of the Pierce home. Did any of you watch the debut of the miniseries? What did you think?

wow these are awesome. I haven't seen mildred pierce yet, but I"m going to see it tonight. that's too bad that it isn't amazing. but the visuals will be enough for me.
These are beautiful. I keep learning about photographers via your blog. Thanks for posting them.
These photos are very inspirational, thanks for posting them. Your blog is so interesting, am now following.
love this post! the pictures are awesome!
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