- 90s Gap sweater
- 60s wool skirt
- Rachel Comey boots
- J.Crew hat
- listening to: Gillian Hills - Zou Bisou Bisou
Did you watch the premiere of Mad Med season 5 last night? Tom and I went out to dinner beforehand for Thai food and tried to make predictions about what we thought each character might be up to. Would Don really be married again? Would Roger still be? Would Joan still be working since she had her baby? It was nice, after nearly two years, to finally get some answers to those questions. I don't want to give anything away to those who haven't yet seen the episode. While the episode wasn't at all plot driven, it was just a glimpse into each character's (except Betty) life at the moment. Now that we're all caught up with our old friends, now it's time to see where this season will take all of them.
I love your skirt
xoxo from Paris
I have been so excited for Mad Men to start up again! Last night's episode was a bit of a letdown (I was hoping to see what Betty was up to as well), but of course they had to let us know what everyone had been doing since the last time we saw them. There is so much I want to say, but I would hate to ruin the episode for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
Nice post title by the way ;)
I have been so looking forward to the premiere of Mad Men! Honestly, I thought the episode was a bit of a letdown (I am so curious to see what Betty has been up to), but of course they had to let us know what all of the characters have been doing since we last saw them. There is so much more I want to say, but I don't want to spoil the episode for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
Nice post title by the way ;)
I think I have a little crush on the actress who plays Megan after that Zou Bisou Bisou number, haha!
love that show!
and your sweater ^_^
This is such a perfect outfit! I love everything about it.
And I (somehow!) haven't been keeping up with Mad Men. I know....totally not acceptable. But it's on my to-do list ;)
finally a mad men episode to watch that i haven't already seen a million times! & since it aired i've re-watched it already...
ps. i love this pic of you!
also have you seen tthe show the hour(bbc)?
Arg that skirt! I love anything that's swingy and girly, so when I saw that my heart summersaulted. You look lovely.
And I can't believe I forgot to watch it, good thing I stumbled across your blog and you reminded me :)
Sweetheart, this outfit looks beautiful on you or should I have said you are beautiful in this outfit? Lovely! Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo
It was amazing!! I can't believe I survived two years whole without any new Mad Men, that program is pure genius! Over here they even showed ads from the same era during the breaks, it was such a nice touch..!
Eagerly awaiting the next episodes :)
I really need to get on the Mad Men bandwagon. I watched the first season and haven't gotten caught up since. So sad.
Also, I'm loving your outfit. The shape of your skirt is great and it looks really nice with your striped top.
Oh my cuteness! Your adorable :)
I was listening to that song the other day and had to blog about it as well since its just so darling!
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