While we were away, I missed two things in particular. One was our cats. Those furry creatures are such a big part of our everyday routine. The other thing was my mornings in the backyard. I usually wake, grab some breakfast and then head out the back door with Jack (the one eyed pirate cat) to see what's blooming, what's growing and what needs tending to. I missed that routine and couldn't wait to get home and see how big everything had gotten in the two weeks we were gone. I think Jack missed it too since he's been sitting at the backdoor meowing a lot the past couple of days.
I was pleasantly surprised that most everything had thrived. I spied a couple of tiny peppers growing and a few green tomatoes on the vine. They'll be used to make fresh salsa when they're ripe. This is the first year I've tried growing Brussels sprouts and the plants doubled in size. All of the herbs are ready to be used and we had fresh cilantro with our black beans last night. It's already starting to bolt, but that's OK since it will give me some fresh coriander and I'll replant the rest of the seeds. Jack, of course, enjoyed a bit of catnip from his plant this morning.
In case you're wondering what everything is, from top to bottom, left to right: mint, huechera (or coral bells), impatiens, brunneria, creeping jenny, fuschia, hydrandgea, chives, cilantro, basil, catnip, Brussels sprouts, roma tomatoes, blueberries, yellow Hungarian wax peppers, jalapenos and Jack.