Oh, dreary and grey London! How we loved you. It's true. The grey skies and mist in the air couldn't have dampened our spirits. We wandered through the streets, took a tour of the Thames, stood in awe of the Eye (but didn't take a ride), listened to Big Ben strike five o'clock and bundled up against the chill. After spending some time along the river we wandered through Picadilly Circus, stopping along the way for some amazing Indian food. Then we walked down Shaftesbury Avenue (insert Harry Potter reference here). We arrived back in Camden late and had to (had to) stop for a late night snack of cheese fries & milkshakes; vanilla for Tom & Nutella for me.

aha that rainy shot of (tower?) bridge is so british. I'm off to london zoo on sunday--hope the weather's a bit happier! x
wow it looks so lovely there. I'd love to travel someday!
Wait, wait, wait; a Nutella milkshake?!
Very british pics;)
I love london Bridge!
pass to my blog, we can follow each others!
uhh these pictures look so cold and cozy, I'm dying in this heat at the moment!
Glad you enjoyed London. Its great seeing it through someone elses eyes.
it's so gray, but still beautifull, I will go there someday.. :)
You look so SHERLOCKY, I love it.
If your'e still in London try to visit Brick Lane! You will love it! Check out when the markets are, there's lots of made dresses, vintage fairs the works! :D
it's still grey and dreary here, the worst summer in decades they say - looks exactly like your pics!
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