I have the distinct feeling that I'm not the only one that's been bitten by the autumn fashion bug. With autumn/winter catalogues filling our mail boxes, stores already beginning to stock up on sweaters and tights and magazines featuring lots of layers in their editorials it's hard not look forward to some cooler weather. I'm already making a list of pieces that I'm looking forward to wearing. I think I'm especially excited this year because after three years of living in Los Angeles where autumn and winter consist of a couple of days of rain and the temperature dipping below 60 degrees I'll actually get to enjoy leaves changing colors and crisp, cold days.
For today's contest, I'd love to hear what you all are looking forward to about autumn. Don't worry, there are no right or wrong answers here. The winner will be chosen randomly from all the comments that are left so everyone has the same chance of winning. What's the prize you ask? Me as your personal shopper! Now that I know what you're looking forward to for autumn you can tell me all about your personal style and your sizes. Next week when I go out to do my vintage shopping for the store I'll keep an eye out for things that I think you'll like, wrap them all up for you and send them your way. Simple as that! I'll pick the winner on Monday so you've got until then to leave your comment.
Thanks again for helping me celebrate the one year anniversary of Sally Jane Vintage!
This autumn I'm most looking forward to camping, preferably in the rain! This will entail leaving los angeles and heading for the sierra mountians after the summer crowds are gone and I can camp in peace. I will wear layered slips, wool stockings and warm sweaters, while eating food cooked over a fire and drinking french pressed coffee in the wilderness.
Ooooh, you're doing so many wonderful little contests! It's great.
Hmm...I am looking forward to: dark lips, pumpkin treats, possibly a study abroad, stockings, and family visits. ^_^
Tights and real shoes and blazers and big socks and boots and vests and some high waisted long skirts and more tights. I've been jonsing for fall so bad lately. Boo summer.
I love the crisp cool air of autumn. The smell of earth and water on the streets and the feel of my coat as it’s bundled around me. I love watching my breath whiten the air for a moment and breathing deep, knowing that Halloween, my favorite holiday is around the corner.
That 'back to school' feeling, when you come home and it's getting dark outside, and you're cosy and warm inside with tea and toast! Also buying a new winter coat, and a lovely slouchy wooly hat.
Layering clothes!
The biggest thing I'm looking forward to wearing are all the warm cardigans. I've even made a Kaboodle list strictly for cardigans.
Behind cardigans would be Blazers, tights and scarves.
I love fall, I think It's the best weather for clothes cause It's not too cold that you have to hide everything under big winter Jackets. I'm looking forward to getting to wear some more fun accessories like knit berets, scarfs and tights.
In autumn, I love to prepare me to halloween and Dia de Muertos (a holiday from Mexico to celebrate the dead)I love to decorate my hOuse with sugar skulls and zarapes jeje,white candels and zempazuchil(an orange flower special for that day).I dream a 40's-60's style coat,dresses,warm tigths,and a brown leader boots.Love to you Sally!!You are an inspiration!!
I just bought some funky rain boots and I'm looking forward to wearing those when I drop my kids off at school every day this fall... And I want to buy some new dark-wash jeans. And maybe some new boots.
I can't wait to use my adorable sixties umbrella and rain boots. Also to climb back into my staple fall outfit: a jumper with tights, boots and a trench coat!
Fall is definitely my favorite season <3 I'm looking forward to wearing tights again! I'm addicted to buying tights or stockings in fun patterns, but they're pretty much impossible to wear right now~ I always look forward to the turning of the leaves, we like to drive up to the mountains mid fall to see all the beautiful colors!
In Autumn I will get to take some holiday days, perhaps visit with my family out East. :-)
autumn... a time to experiment with chunky knit sweaters, winter florals and unexpected fabric combinations! i love sitting in the park with my friends at lunch time watching the leaves change and drinking hot tea from the local cafe. it'll be wonderful to put on tights again, too...
i never really used to be that bothered about autumn fashion, it was all about the summer. this is the first year that i've actually started getting excited about it! i've already started planning my autumn wardrobe; i'm seeing lots of coloured tights, cardigans, skinny jeans and when it gets colder, lots of snuggly warm jumpers! also now i've learnt how to make skirts, i can't wait to start making loads of coloured skirts to go with the tights!
Hmmm. this fall, i'm definitely looking forward to that crisp autumn breeze, crunching leaves, the back to school hype, floral dresses paired with ribbed tights, plaid, and school girl knee socks :)
Autumn is the absolute best season. Last year's J. Peterman catalogue captured my hopes best:
"The earth tilts, bringing shorter, nippier, less humid days.
Flakier pie crusts. Bigger moons. Jogger-free beaches. Mums and asters. Boeuf bourguignonne. Dartmouth/Princeton rugby. Killer Scrabble. John Keats. Venice. Unfiltered cider. Meerschaum pipes and faithful dogs. Tailgate parties. Horse auctions. Wooly bears. Hot-peanut carts. Adult education. Snuggling, flannel sheets, smell of woodsmoke…"
I'm most looking forward to wearing my scrumptious new cardigan with a team scarf to watch the local womens rugby matches, a mug of hot apple cider in my hands.
Halloween! I always look forward to Halloween and dressing up, so much so that I already start thinking about the next year's Halloween BEFORE the current year's.
One morning I'll be opening the door and find I can wear my summer dress no more. Time to pull out those knits, tweed skirts, boots and a beret to keep the windy hair down. I'll enjoy dwelling on that melancholy feeling of summer days dwindled away and cosy evenings with candles on the window sill to come. And then a walk in the woods where I'll throw away all caution and fall down into a softly yelding pile of autumn leaves. A few of them make it into my pockets and home, where I'll have hot chocolate and rosy cheeks for sure.
Oh, this one is good!
Love what you are doing.
What I am looking forward to this autumn is extra special for me. Usually it is watching the leaves turn and taking long walks in the autumn sun, kicking leaves and collecting chestnuts. Wearing big scarves and drinking tea outside with a blanket wrapped nicely around you.
This year though, I am going to South Korea for the first time in my life. I am going to stay with my grandmother, whom I have only met once (and this was many years ago, so I barely remember). I am really looking forward to getting to know her (as I am staying for two and a half months) and the rest of the family, hopefully learning the language and seeing the country where my father grew up. It is so weird sometimes when I remember that I have a whole family on the other side of the world that I don't even know! I hope this visit will also help me understand my father better, and maybe learn a thing or two about myself as I travel to a country I have never been to before, on my own and with very limited knowledge of the language (my grandmother doesn't speak a word of English!)
I am sure it will be amazing, though :)
I'm looking forward to apple orchards in bloom, and fields of yellow corn! I'll fly all the way home for a Macintosh, and to see Wisconsin turned red, purple and golden.
Sadly my falls are those drizzled LA days you spoke of.
i just wrote a blog about this exactly same feeling! (http://olive-loaf.blogspot.com/)
i cant wait for the colors of fall! rich orange, auburn, forest green, plum... i also cant wait to wear tights, tights and more tights! boots, pumpkin flavored everything, warm apple cider, my favorite mustard colored beret and chunky, grandma-esque sweaters!
My favourite thing about fall is kicking fallen leaves on the sidewalks and taking a few steps out of the way to step on that extra crunchy looking one. I love everything about autumn... the colours, the crispness in the air, the apples, the fashion. It's my favourite time of year.
I absolutely cannot wait to wear tights again. Tights, oxfords and chunky sweaters!
I have been waiting for fall since the begining of summer! I love fall because the weather is always in the "just right" range. I love being able to wear a long sleeved sweater and not actually sweat all day long. I also love the fact that you can wear scarves and wooly hats with dresses and not look or feel out of season. Aside from the style options, my favorite colors are out and about during fall. Deep reds and purples and burnt oranges, it's all too wonderful to see the great pallet everywhere you go.
I guess if I had to sum up why I love fall so much, it would be because the season just gives a vibe of peaceful warmth, new beginings, and family traditions. If not all the feelings in the air, then definitely the sound of crunching leaves when walking through a forest.
I love autumn! Everything feels fresh, new and exciting! I honestly feel like such a nerd but I can't wait for school :D I've been working the whole summer (because obviously I need the money to buy lots of clothes of which you simply can't have enough...) and I miss my classmates and even the annoying, loud little ones running around the schoolhouse! It's two years until I finish high school and I really am enjoying the last years appreciating such good company.
I think I also might be moving this autumn, to another part of the town. I love my home town even though I've been living here only for a year... so getting to know a new part of it would be great. Me and my roommates, also my best friends, are having a hard time finding a suitable apartment though, so it's an exciting time for us.
September is also the time when my mum and I celebrate our birthdays: I'll be 17 and she'll be 44. I love birthdays and the fact that mine is on such a lovely time of the year. Splendid!
I'm looking forward to that first autumn day when summer's not quite gone (because it's still sunny outside) but you can feel a certain crispness in the air, a light breeziness that you just have to feel to know that autumn's here. It's funny because I live on an island in the Caribbean so it doesn't snow, but there are very light showers in the autumn which feel actually lovely, like the Earth is cooling itself after all that sun and sand. And all those days afterwards when I can wear my warmer dresses, light sweaters in the daytime, over the knee socks with peep toes to go out at night with my fiancee and my collection of vintage cloche hats all the time. That's what I miss wearing most!!! You know, this is the first year where I've completely worn vintage or combinations of vintage and newer clothes, and I've loved dressing myself and coming up with so many fresh and new outfits everyday. This is also the first year I've come to know all these amazing girls out here that dress like me and I've gathered so much inspiration and loveliness from you all!!!!!!!! Fall does lend itself to amazing styling, I can't wait!!!!!
I'm looking forward to the leaves changing color, Thanksgiving dinner (perhaps it's a bit early for that), the smoky smell of leaves burning, and finally being able to wear all those scarves I knitted this summer. Clothing-wise, I hope to find tall boots, knee socks, perfect vintagey (t-strap)heels, flowy floral/print dresses for layering, nice wool coat in a vivid color, cozy sweaters, tights in burgundy and hunter green, and menswear-inspired oxfords and shirts. I didn't realize how excited I am for fall till I wrote that.
My email is eshao44(at)yahoo(dot)com.
I live in LA so I look forward to a few jaunts through the rain, and a use for my wool lined, leather boots.
happy anniversary!
living in SoCal, i understand what you mean. It doesnt start to get cold until late november, and only stays that way for a few months, which is why it is driving me crazy! I am looking foward to things I can wear throughout the year, but can get lots of use in the fall such as: colorful, printed, and patterned tights; light vintage blazers; and long, oversized cardigans. (oh and anything in deep purple!)
you are so nice to do this for readers! i really appreciate the thought of doing that, even if i dont get picked!
What I love about the fall is the crispness in the air, the sharp bite of the coldness as you step outside from your warm room. Fashion-wise, I love the type of clean, polished looks that only tweed, plaid, and wool can show. I just love it! Fall is seriously my favorite season for fashion, I believe, for both men AND women, especially the men. I love seeing the men in their slim-leg pants with a structured coat with clean lines. Ah. That is fall to me.
I'm looking forward to having money again so that I can go thrift shopping for more vintage dresses to shorten! I think I'd like to try out some more 40s-50s styles, along with some of the makeup and hairstyles from that period. I'm also excited for layering, and tights, and lace up boots, and wearing my new maxi skirt... Everything except school!
I'm really looking forward to walking to school with warm clothes on in the morning when the sun comes up and the leaves are on the ground. Then after a few classes, eating lunch with my friends and finding some sun to hang out in. Most of all, I look forward to bundling up on weekends and riding my bike around town and taking pictures. I'm so happy now =]
I'm looking forward to that secure feeling I get every autumn--like I'm a little kid again--that comes with a school routine starting up again, the smell of new books, smell of dusty leaves, quiet crispy air, raking the yard, new fall outfits--basically from doing and seeing and smelling what I have every fall since I was born.
The other one is going out to the farm of some very close family friends by the mountains of va to spend the day eating apple pie and exploring civil war era ruins and climbing haystacks.
I love all your recent contests. I'm definitely having Fall fever right now...I'm looking forward to wearing knee socks and mary-janes again, blustery October, and how good it feels to have the oven going and baking when it's cool out.
I really look forward to fall, because I can't stand the heat anymore. I would love to wear tights with a cute mini skirt or a mini dress, colorful scarves, boots, cute cardigans or blazers again. All in all just layer things!
Please come soon fall. I like you so much more than summer.
This autumn I'm looking forward to...
Channeling my inner Alexander Wang with dark layering and thick knits, knee highs and boots with an AA black skirt and shirt and chunky jumper...
and jumping in piles of leaves of course.
Also, blogging! And outfit posts, derived from much inspiration from you!
Check it out: http://classcupidity.blogspot.com/
:( i posted a comment earlier and it didn't work. oh well...
i just wanted to say i found this blog the other day and i'm addicted to it! you are so cute, and i love your photography.
oh, and also the thing i love most about fall - the scent of the season changing. yup, that's right i love the smell of fall. it brings back a lot of memories.
I'm looking forward to a head full of hair actually staying in place and a chance to wear the jackets and sweaters I've collected over the summer! I'm hoping for some saturated colors and finding ways to make my old clothes new again!
oooh i love fall, i do not look fashionable in the summer no matter what i do. ;) maybe it's my winter white skin. i look forward to fall every year. i love to layer everything! this year i am totally adoring anything plaid/tartan, leather, citron yellow, and navy. i am most looking forward to wearing my hand knits and working on a new sweater project. it's going to be a tan cardigan with citron yellow front panels and huge pockets. i was inspired by a designer sweater i saw in the current issue of marie claire. what a neat contest by the way. today i found a citron yellow wool pencil skirt by ann taylor at the thrift store for $2.50. the wool is high quality and feels like a blend of linen and silk. perfect for fall!
cioa! :)
Fall (or Autumn here), is all about walks through the parks as the leaves change colour, collecting conkers and wearing your boyfriends coat as the weather turns colder than you had thought. Returning home and drinking hot chocolate by the fire, watching the rain agaisnt the window as you shnuggle up together under a flannel blanket. Oh how i spend a/w days wrapped up in layers, Russian knitwear and oxfords, playing like a child with rosy cheeks and making hearts in the air with sparkles, what a magical time...
poppy x
ps. happy 1 year anniversary
I don't think I've ever had such a specific look planned - I guess that means I'm really looking forward to autumn! I envision my evening attire to consist primarily of dark, thick tights with mod shifts and mini dresses with the perfect white or pale pink T-strap heels. For work, I'm thinking about paper thin, dark colored turtlenecks with high waisted A-line wool/tweed skirts and of course tights again. Lastly, I am currently fixated on sweater coats of varying colors and lengths to replace some of my blazers. I see myself wearing them over a fitted vest and button down shirt. Now I just need to collect all the pieces!
i'm looking forward to woolly tights, fur collars and brown leather boots. i can't wait to ride my bike through the quad and get cozy in my flannel shirts.
Oh me! Oh my! Twist and tie! Fall. I adore fall. See the leaves change their colors, cozy up next to the fireplace, and drink tea/coca. The crisp, cool morning air is basically a splash of cold water just to wake the day. I’ll get to layer with tights and stocking, warm and fuzzy cardigans. Hmm…well I have so much on my list I’ll narrow it down! Ah ha, here we go!
20s-60s Dresses
High Waist Skirts Knee length
Warm Cardigans
Oxfords (Size 7 or 8)
Something like the Vintage 80s NAVY & WHITE Spectator Pumps Heels 7.5 UK 5 you have on eBay now
Wool/Nylon Tights
A little purse that can be ranging from the 20s-50s
Old business back (big enough for school)
P.S. Thank you Sally Jane Vintage, wonderful and exquisite wardrobe, such an inspiration. Congratulations again of anniversary number one! (Sorry the list is long, but it is order from wanting it the most to least wanting the most.
I'm really looking forward to tights! I've seen some really awesome patterned tights with flowers and vines all over them! And I'll definetly bring out my favorite blazers and knitted items, like scarves and fingerless gloves.
i'm looking forward to layering cashmere cardigan sweaters and colorful tights. hopefully it will rain enough this year so that i can buy some rain boots too! (although i can't guarantee this since i live in los angeles)
This autumn I’m looking forward to wearing socks. I get to put away the sandals, flats, and heels away and hopefully give my poor feet some rest for next year with cute, warm, fuzzy socks. It’s also the best time to cozy up on the couch and catch up on my reading. I’m looking forward to having some peaceful sleep in my bed, since the birds will be migrating and I won’t get awaken by birds chirping at 4 in the morning near my window. Also, I’m looking forward to spending time with my family during the holidays and eating great family dinner. Since I spend all my time in San Diego for college, autumn allows me to come home and be with my family due to all the days off I get. And last but not least I’m looking forward to the November elections. I can’t wait to find out who the new leader of our nation is and hopefully that person will help restore our economy to the way it was before.
I’ve always been an silent reader. But I adore your blog. It often inspires me to go thrift shopping and dig up the little jewels on the rack. Your recent contests are fun, I’m sad I did not visit the blog these past couple of days… could have won something :’(
I can't wait for fall. As a prepschool teacher getting a whole new batch of students will be tons of fun. So, winter white flat boots, color tights, yummy grey socks, big knit sweaters, skirts and plaid, lots and lots of plaid.
I can't wait!
Hi there, this is Shinn from Singapore. We don't have autumn in Singapore. But I'd really wish to imagine myself standing in that picture, having beautiful photoshoots with my new outfits. I'd gladly like to wear some spring vintage outfits, maybe those with cute little poppy flowers and imagine myself there! Maybe sneakers will do good as well, or sandals! It's something I don't wear often and I'd like to give it a try!
Anyway happy one year anniversary of Sally Jane Vintage : )
I feel your pain with the California location. But despite the lack of a real "season" during this time, I still look forward to Autumn. The best part is traveling to my old elementary school where I can go to the maple trees and walk over the dead leaves. There's something satisfying about the crunch and crackle of dead leaves underneath my feet. It's one of the few autumnal perks that Southern California could possibly have.
Autumn in NYC makes me excited for skinny jeans tucked into vintage boots. Layering my thick hoodies under my faux leather jacket. Walking to work in a printed scarf, big chunky vintage rings on my fingers,hands clutching a hot coffee cup, with a soft oversized clutch under my arm.
I live in the Northeast, and it's so crunchy and crisp in the fall that I couldn't possibly imagine myself anywhere else! It is so hard to pick just one thing, autumn is exhilarating! Apple orchards are one of the best, especially with apple-cider donuts all warm and crunchy and crumbly.
For clothing, it's just the delight in layering without winter coats. Tweed things, cardigans, sullen makeup, and Halloween!
It's awhile away for me but I'm looking forward to: being a grown-up, boots with funny little buckles, wearing socks (not tights), the way the wind smells, dark green and heather, capes... oh and paisley. Autumn always brings out the paisley in me.
This prize is just too good!
I love the colours of autumn, playing in the leaves-- hearing them crunch beneath your feet :)
I've only experienced Autumn once so far, and am looking forward to another Autumn. What I loved about Autumn was looking out the window and seeing trees with leaves with all the colours of fire. Walking under those same trees and looking up, just revelling in how amazing something as simple as tree leaves can look. It's also perhaps the best season, where the heat isnt brutal like summer and the cold not biting like winter, there are just so many different ways to dress, layering and experimenting with colours, anything could go with this "in-between" season - Autumn.
This autumn will be my first one off-campus in 6 years (since i finally graduated)...and I absolutely can't wait just to have a reason to wear all the sophisticated things like vintage broaches and blazers from my lovely aunt and my bright green and even my winter white coat that always seemed too much for a day on campus. My normal wardrobe usually consists of everything sweet...flowers, hearts and vintage lockets, but i'm so ready for my new job and dressing powerful and quirky instead of just frilly and sweet. I also can't wait to break out the scarves and the red tights (i've been creating outfits with in my head since I bought them for sale this summer).
I love the way nature is preparing itself for the winter, how the leaves slowly change color and slowly fall from the trees. I love the things you have to wear to stay warm; the amount of (knitted) scarfs I just can't choose from but keep buying, the nice long coats. I love the warm colors autumn brings, the earthy tones. But what I'm most looking forward to having is a simple but pretty strapless dress (to go with my black tights).
Autumn for me is comfortably sitting in front of the window, watching the dark, rainy days go by... with lots of tea, magazines, scarves, tights, thick socks and dreaming about the next summer to come. And here in Holland there really are some long long dark and rainy days....
I do love the colours of the changing leaves, and of course the lovely smell of fall.
Hi I live in tropical weather so there isn't much of an "autumn" to speak of. But I have experienced autumn in NYC before while travelling. What I absolutely loved about it is the crisp cool weather with just about the right degree of coldness! & not to mention that deliciously warm cup of coffee after you've stepped out of that weather. Haha Halloween was really awesome as well! I also love the layering of clothes since I pretty much can't do that over here. Strong, structured sillouettes in deep rich colours. Oh such love! <3
wow, autumn in england is either outrageously beautiful or sloppy and awful that you end up spending your whole time trying to make the best out of just plain crappy weather.
but ive got a feeling this ones going to be special :) so i'm looking foward to wearing all the knitted and patterned tights i thatve come into my possesion recently
and getting back into knitting again! forgotten how much i loved knitting!
cosy nights in cuddling up to everyonnne should also be a hit, as of the insane amounts of hot chocolate im sure we're all going to consume
the crisp cool air for once! eing able to actually wear clothes. i've been obsessively knitting berets all year and seeing them laying there, sad and not yet used breaks my heart, but soon that will change!
Autumn.. I live in a part of the world with no autumn. Sad, yes. :( We do not experience all 4 seasons but summer all year. Maybe a little bit of rain here and there.
But if Autumn were to take place here, I'd look forward to wearing pretty floral dresses with stockings, scarf, cardigan.
Love, T
Finally starting the course of my dreams that I've finally had the nerve to apply for (and get into!), being able to wear my black suede over the knee boots with nearly fainting from over heating whilst crunching through the Autumn leaves.
I´m looking forward to the nice smell of all the colourful leafs and to wearing boots with wool stockings again while strolling through our little old town in autumn.
For fall I'm looking forward to cute '70's dresses,'80's adorable dresses that look like the '50's,'50's high waist-ed skirts, black tights, long cardigans, boots and skinny jeans. Ballet flats and a lot of cool/dark colors, including black.
I love that back to school feeling, when fall starts.
hmmmm, i live in Singapore !!!! Ahhhh,its near the equator and has no 4 seasons . hahaha But i still love to dress the way i like with coats,sweaters,granny cardigans,leggings etc .
But if i had autumn coming my way, i be looking forward to 40's,50's dresses,huge bow hair clips,high waisted skirts,mens' pants rolled up,coloured leggings,hippie maxi dresses and sandals and mid knee high or knee high boots !!!
Ohhhh and if makeup wise,will just keep it simple and do a 50's or 60's hairdo .
Wooooo its goof to have autumn coming sooon
Ohhhh yes, and happy one year anniversary beautiful =)
oops, i meant its good to have autumn coming soon =) haha
I love how the air feels on early autumn mornings; crisp and clear blue skies with that piercing autumn sun, quite cold in the air, a coffe in my hand and Blue Cheer in my ears. Going to an early tag sale with my friend, red and yellow trees passing outside the car window. This year will be my first autumn in New England. I heard it is amazing.
I like 70's flared jeans, a lacey blouse and a long multicoloured knitted scarf, and I like to mix flowery skirts with stripey sweaters, chunky boots and a homeknitted cardigan. I also like your blog. A lot.
With love from Gabriella
Halloween, fall colors, and a chance to finally wear all of the scarfs and coats I've bought/thrifted this year.
I am really looking forward to wearing scarfes. I fell in love with them last year.
And in addition, I can't wait to wear boots. Low boots, high boots, leather boots, plastic boots, dark boots, colorful boots - everything.
For fall, I am imagining a very My-So Called Life filled wardrobe. Long dresses with short boots. Lots of grey, with beautiful shades of purple. A hip length plaid coat a bit oversized,the perfect men's messenger/briefcase. Ahh fall. The beauty of it.
i cannot wait for autumn! mini shift dresses with jewel-tone stirrup tights, a growing collection of vintage hats, boots and boots. i'd love a shrunken blazer for layering, wool grandpa cardigans, vintage brooches, and some high-waisted button-down (or wool) skirts.
chickem soup. hot chocolate. listening to the wind howling through the trees. late movie nights
Hot chocolate drink, cosy armchair & my precious doggy beside me :)
Wonderful idea!
Your blog is adorable.
I am looking forward to: wearing tights and high socks again, the leaves changing in Michigan, knit hats, wearing light coats, layering, cuddling up to books, breezes, coffee on a brisk day!
Thank you!
Happy one year anniversary!
I love Autumn here in Bulgaria. The leaves are falling down and the sea garden looks really beautiful. I also love Autumn because I have a Birthday then-21th September. Me and my boyfriend are always going on a small romantic vacation to celebrate.
I also love this season because I cam start wearing the fall/winter clothes I have found in the thrift stores during the summer.
I will definitely will be wearing trench coats, leather jackets, skirts and boots and the scarves are my favorite Autumn accessory.
Wow! there is soooo much to look forward to this fall!
1. Shopping for new clothes!!
2. Wearing the new clothes!!
3. Good magazine articles!
4. Wearing boots, sweaters, and scarves!!
I like to wear skinny jeans, skirts and tights, chunky knit sweaters, grandma cardigans, lots of layers, and lots of scarves!
grey tights
I am looking forward to starting sixth form in September! although I am also quite nervous. I am also looking forward to going shopping to buy loads of clothes, since I don't have to wear a school uniform anymore..yay :)
Roll on the autumn for chunky, woollen articles of clothing, rustly leaves and lovely warm comfort food.
the colors, the trees, my red coat, woolysocks, candles, wavy skirts, berets, to lay in a boys knee, watch movies, make leaf-angels, the smell, listen to devendra banhart, the starry skies, to move, rubberboots, autumnkisses. everything.
cradling a hot cup of coffee in handknit hand-armwarmers
chunky high-heeled laceup oxfords
bright, shiny, chunky accessories
warm ribbed long socks
military coats
structured ruffle skirts
satin bows
black nail polish
great blog!!!!
I'm just looking forward to layering, layering, layering (slouchy tops, slouchy cardi's) and mucho colored tights which are piling up these days. Somehow I keep buying them during hot wheater...
I have this pretty umbrella with green elephants on it just waiting to be broken in. and of course there will be lots of leaves begging to be stomped in (when I'm not stomping in puddles of course.)
Therefore I'm most looking forward to wrapping up in some new chunky scarves and long chunky mittens/gloves and enjoying the crisp air.
I'm hoping to get some button-intense cardigans or pencil skirts in the purple, light gray and/or flocked velvet that's cropping up.
Love, love, love your site!
ohh I love this!! I am looking forward to wearing tights and leggings, and layering all of my outfits with vests and oversized cardigans.
I can't wait for cozy scarves and cardigans.. boots, hats and blazers!! oooh I'm getting more excited just thinking about it.
This is such an awesome idea!
Well I am most looking forward to of course-LAYERINGGGGG. From lace-y camisoles to thick and long cardigans with a pretty scarf wrapped around my neck paired with tights & boots. Oh and you can't go wrong with an awesome leopard printed umbrella-which I already have:) on those rainy days.
im looking forward to taking a break from work in LA to visit family on the East Coast. I love seeing people's take on fashion btwn the two coasts. LA can be like a bubble sometimes and it's refreshing to take on new style scenery every now and then.
i am looking forward to rich earth tones...even with a simple black mini dress and tights combo never fails to give me some sort of euphoric nymphette listening to grizzly bear feeling! :)
im looking forward to tights and coats and boots and being warm inside falling asleep while its raining outside.
I'm looking forward to the colorful leaves shining vividly against the gray sky, the crisp air, the smell of smoke from fireplaces and burning leaves, the wonderful crunch of leaves under my shoes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin donuts, and pumpkin flavored coffees, bundling up in tights and warm coats and boots, trying on masks for Halloween, and using the cold air as an excuse to cuddle with the ones I love.
i'm looking forward to the smell of autumn, that very nice leafy, windy, hot chocolate smell. and i'm looking forward to autumn in europe and an autumn in japan (hopefully!) love love to see how autumn in 2 such different places is like. (: & yes looking forward to halloween and the fact that a snowny winter is right after that!
I'm really excited for fall this year because I'll be visiting my sister in NYC in Oct. I can't wait to wear my coats, boots with tights and maybe a knit cap or two.
Plus I'll be there as the leaves are changing. It'll be my first experience of a real fall in a long time.
i am weiling from singapore. I never experienced autumn before because singapore is near the equator so it is like summer everyday?
but if i have a chance and based on my imaginations, i would defintely love the changing of colour of leaves and taking pictures of the autumn scenery with my friends/family for the sweet moment. i am also looking forward the cold weather since it is always soooo hot in singapore! and of course hot chocolate to go with it!
and if i really experienced autumn it might be i am in another country so i would be looking forward to foooods, shopping and do things i had never do before!
and i am looking forward for you to be my personal shopper!
wish me luck!
anyway happy one year anniversay!
i love your blog.
I am looking forward to 40s style dresses with a little bit of ruffle at the top, tights underneath, and t-straps to top it off. I also can't wait for long, Mr. Rogers style sweaters and flat, slouchy boots. I love autumn, it's most certainly my favourite season!
Living in south Florida, autumn is a relief from the sweltering summer heat. I won't exactly be breaking out the sweaters and jackets as even the winter temps don't require much more than the occasional sweater and tights, but its perfect for the few months where I can hang my clothes on the line without coming in dripping in sweat but still warm enough to swim in the gulf.
Ooooh autumn reminds me of tights tights and tights! And go along with booots and a sleeveless blazer maybe? Or with a cute dress which go along with tights and a oxford flats!! And spend my afternoon at a cafe sipping hot chocolate with th company of the loved ones! Oh and jumping on fallen leaves! I always love th sound of the crispy leaves hahahaha. Ah how nice but sighhhh my country don't experience autumn at all ):
Anyway i love how you always create such contest, you're really, really great :)
I'm looking for a fall free from health issues, for a new job opportunity and for more social life...!
I'd like to add to my wardrobe a new coat, warm sweaters, wool hats, pencil and tulips skirts, peep toe booties and of course some new little dresses :-)
I think I’m slightly late for this, but I can’t wait to dawn all my suits, dress shirts and scarves. I love to smother myself in layers of dress wear. And I can wear all those pants I just bought!
This autumn, I'm hoping to reach a decision on whether to move to Melbourne, Australia, to study fashion. Having a career in the fashion industry is something that I had wanted to do all my life, but had not had the courage to do so, and I had therefore gone down the very pragmatic and safe route that most people in Singapore do. I don't know if I know enough of the fashion industry to be sure that I would like to work in it, but if I never take that scary first step, I will never know. Wish me luck!
I'm excited about pencil skirts with tights and heels, crocheted hats to keep my hair kept on blustery days and everything jewel toned!
I have a hard time always dressing cute when it gets hot, so I'm looking forward to fall mostly because of the change it will bring to my wardrobe, and my life (yay for starting college!) It will be my first time experiencing autumn somewhere else than Boston, and I'm excited to see how it's different in the Midwest. Change is always nice, but I think it will be fun to pick outfits when I'm not able to fit my entire wardrobe in my dorm room even though it may be difficult. I think I'll miss the whole wardrobe of tiny sized 40's clothes that my mother bought for me at an estate sale the most.
the beautiful colours, the smell of the wind, autumn florals, wool tights, caramel coloured cable-knit cardigans and velvelt!
I love your contests! I'm looking forward to crisp evenings... coats, boots, cardigans, great fitting jeans and lovely sweaters!
I usually love fall, but now that I live in Seattle, I live in some sort of fall-ish time warp. It's definitely fall for about 9 months out of the year and then "summer" is a weird combo between spring and fall. This means that right now in August, I am wearing layers and jackets, and even tights some times! I don't feel guilty when I'm at a store and I'm drawn to the sweater section!
So I am currently looking for: chunky knits, cardigans, muted colored skirts, another pair of boots (though I'm wearing sandals as much as I can possibly get away with!) and light sweaters for when the sun goes behind the clouds.
And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a short "heat wave" before we fall back into the crisp weather for good.
Boots, cardigan sweaters, scarves (can't do the summer scarf thing - too hot!), a new winter coat,wearing socks! Also church bazzars, yard sales in september, pumpkin pie, apple cider, farmer's market at harvest time, the whole shebang...
For winter i'm most looking forward to Having to wear big chunky knits, wrapping up in chunky scarves, wooly berets, thick tights in muted shades, boots, hot chocolates on cold winter mornings, the leaves going crisp and crunching underneath your feet when you walk.
I love the colors autumn brings because there's so many photo opportunities!
First of all, I wanted to say that it's absolutely benignant of you to do these contests.
About it...
I'm looking forward to camping and wearing those comfy clothes around bonfires, broiling marshmallows. It's not that I can't do it now, but the feeling is different when it's fall.
Another thing I'm looking forward is FIBIT- a big fashion event in Estonia, which is held in autumn.
Also, one great thing about autumn is that Christmas is closer every day (I start celebrating it in October...)
And since tights are my favorite piece of clothing, there's no question if I like autumn or not...It's obvious.
one of my fav things about fall? that CRUNCH sound while walking over piles and piles of fallen leaves. so satisfying. and i have no idea why.
hm, i meant to leave my email address. oops. rainelyn@gmail.com : )
Like many others, my sense of style is largely dependent on layering. I feel most comfortable, most satisfied with my outfits when I can use a little thought and a lot of pieces. Living only about 45 mins. away from LA, I'm all too familiar with the really temperate weather that results in the "winter" you speak of. During the summer, I get what I suppose is the opposite of the winter blues. With the heat, I find that I resort to just throwing on dresses--something that makes me feel rather plain. So I'm looking forward to autumn so I can find joy in dressing again.
I'm also looking forward to this fall particularly because it marks me going off to college. It's only in San Diego, so it's not quite the drastic change in clime I pictured, but regardless of old weather, it'll bring new experiences.
I loove autumn! even when it´s usuallt very hot here :S
I would love to wear colorful tights with ruffle´s dresses. Vintage net-hats, white oxfords, a lot of lace, and maybe, if the weather allow me, boots with short, like you! :D
I'm looking forward tooooo...deliciously warm hot cocoa, warm winter button-up v-neck cardigans, cute sweater dresses, cute cotton dresses, leggings, knee high boots, and of course, TURKEY and HONEY-GLAZED HAM for Thanksgiving. Yum... I like food.
I'm looking forward to darker colors, wearing tights again, military style jackets, dark lips, berets, scarves, and cuddling up to my cutie to stay warm.
your contests have been so fun :)
Since I'm a student, fall always seems like the beginning of the year for me. I'm looking forward to that "Ahh, a new year, school isn't so bad now, is it?" feeling that I always have at the beginning of the school year.
Also, I'm fairly certain my style has improved significantly between now and last fall, so I have so many more scarves and tights with which to mix things up!
I can't wait to layer up my looks!! Chunky knits and vintage sequin sweaters i've picked up at my local thrift shops that I have not had the chance to wear because its SOO hot....oh and def tights in many colors with my chunky heeled slouch boots =)....mmmm...and white hot choc..love those!
I'm looking forward to jewel colored tights, wool capes, and trying to find the perfect pair of brown vintage boots.
i'm mostly looking forward to finally starting college after almost 2 years of post-high school slackerdom. i'm very excited but also understandably nervous. wish me luck :) in a fashion sense, like many girls i am anxiously awaiting the day that i can wear cable tights and tall boots and ankle boots and oversized cardigans and long-sleeved(but still mini)dresses. and a cute cropped motorcycle jacket! and heavier fabrics, too. oh, and i'm still on the hunt for the perfect vintage t-strap heels.
Yay for one year! :)
Your blog has inspired me to buy more vintage. I've picked up summer pieces here and there, but now that I read your contest I realize my airy sun dresses are not going to work. I've been on the lookout for some woven oxfords (womens 9.5). There was a pair in your store in my size that went for over $90, I had to let them float away into the Ebay atmosphere.
I'm looking forward to layers. I've been on the lookout for a chunky knit hat, printed scarves, mustard and delicately printed tights, golden yellow (or mustard) cardigans or tops/tees, a light airy cotton blouse for layering under a blazer or light coverup (S/M for tops). I would love to find a longer vintage slip like dress with lace or eyelet lace detail around the top or bottom for layering.
I have been coveting your boyfriend style vintage flannels/plaids, and I am looking forward to being cozy in my own. Now that I think of it, plaid is the password to my fall excitement!
I recently lost an ebay battle for a vintage eyelet lace trimmed peach colored V-neck dress (it was very form fitting), that I was planning on wearing to a wedding next spring, and I was also planning on asking you for some advice as to what you would wear to a spring wedding. (especially if you wanted to look reallllly good because it's highschool friends you haven't seen in a while....)
Gold colored long vintage chains or locket necklaces would be most wonderful. I could go on and on, but more important than clothes is the wonderful weather, which means turning off the air conditioner, breathing in the cool evenings, and switching from iced soy lattes to hot ones! I like nice fitting straight leg jeans, but am known to wear comfy trousers. I like to always be comfortable, sometimes feminine sometimes boyish, and modest modest modest!
Autumn is my favourite season! I am so excited about this years fall fashion; the preppy look, penny loafers, wool tights, sweaters, i love oxford shoes, plus i really am loving the british girly meets rocker look with floral prints and things like doc martens and leather jackets which i am going to try out in the fall. i am just so excited about the fashion, i can't wait! i hate summer clothes. I also can't wait for the weather, the changing trees, the back to school feeling, i just can't wait. though i am dreading the search for another pair of practical though fashionable boots or winter that occurs every fall
having just returned home (to Seattle) after two years in Santa Barbara, my thrills are much the same as yours: actual leaves changing colour and falling! fog and cool temps! Real apple cider! I can't wait to wear layers, and I am beyond thrilled to have access to the local farmer's markets and start dreaming up warm cozy meals for dark stormy nights.
I'm moving right now, north several miles from where I live, and the climate is like a 180. From temps of 90-120, full of desert and sprawling black-top, to forests of pine-needles and cool, crisp mornings. I'm beyond excited. I've never had a real fall, nor winter in my life. Ironically, I own many sweaters, but that makes living there all the more exciting. I look forward to cooler temperatures, trees, picnics at my apartment, hot chocolate, wearing big jackets with lots of pockets to hide things, wool skirts and leggings, Doc Martens, scarves, and lots and lots of layering.
looking forward to big, warm knits and colourful tights with my new brown leather shoes! and dancing in the rain in my red rubber boots:) your blog is great!
Wow, 125 comments and counting!
I started reading your blog (one of the very first I found) back in Feb, and I'm so glad to see you doing so well. Congratulations on the year!
Hmmm, as I am all upsidedown and heading into spring, I won't enter, but I can't wait to see the results. :)
I look forward to: reading your blog and get inspired ;-), drink hot chocolate after having a walk with my boyfriend, wearing coloured tights, readin jane austens "pride and prejudice" the whole day in bed, get organised my wardrobe and find some treasures I forget...and so much more...
All your contests have been so neat. I look forward to autumn for two main reasons. The first being that I get to wear tights again, which means less shaving!!! And the second is that my birthday falls on the first day of Autumn. I turn the big 2-O this year.
Well, although I dont experience the 4 seasons in my country(singapore) I really want to have a taste of what the 4 seasons are really like! :) I want to experience autumn the most because I want to see all the orange and yellow leaves lying on the earth and look at them fall from the trees everywhere!! :) I think that would be so cool and pretty! :)
I Love the colours! They are just so cute and comforting. Like you had just arrived home from a very long journey. And the fresh autumn wind and smell of the air after rain. The nature goes wild.
And also all those warm autumn clothes are available again for you to wear them. Especially woolen stocking. :)
And hot chocolate is very relaxing after a walk in a beautiful colourful forest.
You have a great blog going on here!
I am so excited for autumn! I can't wait to start wearing colorful tights with a mini skirt and some adorable shoes. I want some of those black ankle boots with a heel and some oxford looking heels. I'm also looking forward to wearing my winter coats and scarves! I love my scarves.
I can imagine the perfect outfit now.
i'm looking forward to the smell of leaves, sweaters, brisk air, pumpkin beer, and studying abroad!
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