I promise to eventually get back to more fashion related posts... I've got lots of things planned for the blog after the big move. But for now, pretty much all fashiony things have been pushed to the back of my mind in favor of interior design and remodeling projects.
One of our main goals in restoring this old home is to do things in a way that utilizes "green" products and processes. Green. That's such a buzz word nowadays and I sort of hate the way it's overused and abused but it's still the most apt word I can think of to sum up our philosophy toward the house. Anyway, I digress. One of my favorite ways to "be green", if you will, is finding new ways to use old products. I've been researching how to turn an old dresser into a bathroom vanity, searching for old crates to use as storage in my new studio space and collecting flea market odds and end for decorating.
For inspiration, I've been studying the Bailey's Home & Storage site. Unfortunately it's out of our reach - both geographically and financially but it's so much fun to look! From their site...
"The things we sell are a surprising mix of vintage and new from a variety of sources - but they all share the qualities integral to our repair, reuse, rethink philosophy. One of our favourite things is to reuse unloved bits and pieces (small or large) that we find on our travels, and give them a new lease of life - it's our version of recycling... so abandoned bobbins from old textile mills turn up on our shelves as egg timers, lamp bases or string holders; scraps of floor board become mirror frames, tables or even kitchen units."

How I wish my home looked like this!
i love the idea of using old milk crates as a wall-mounted bookshelf. another thing to add to the list of reinventions for my new house. :) thanks for the inspiration!
I love your decorating posts! It's cool to see how your aesthetic applies to home decor, too. And Bailey's Home & Storage looks awesome. I especially love the giant scissors.
Those shoe shelves are bliss! As a fashion editor I have so many shoes I can barely count them. These are just what I need. LLGxx
Love that first picture. I wonder where they found that massive pair of scissors!
When will the big move be?
I have their book "The Recycled Home" on my bedside table - I love flipping through it on lazy weekend mornings - such gorgeous calming pictures.
Try having green as your favorite color! How damn annoying. I'm switching to yellow if this keeps up.
Those stuffs look incredible!!
Oh SO beautiful! I am feeling an unhealthy jealousy, ugh ~_~
Ah, what a great source of inspiration! We're just now in the process of finishing up an addition and remodel that has left our house in major disarray for months now and I've been getting so excited lately about putting it all back together. Part of that has been an obsession with seeking out interior inspiration like this so thanks for the link, I'll definitely be referring back to it :)
How beautiful designs of Home & Storage... I would like to buy all these!!
such fabulous home decor!
jess s//
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