photos by Tom b.
top: 70s cotton eyelet camisole (see it bigger)
shorts: Urban Outfitters
shoes: thrifted
purse: vintage Coach
belt: thrifted
So far this has been such a mellow summer. None of those so-hot-I-can't-think days of sweaty necks and unbearable sunshine when you just want to crawl into an icebox and take a siesta. Just lots of mild, cloudy days and almost cool nights. We've barely even run our AC! But today the mugginess set in and the air was heavy with humidity. We stopped to take a couple of photos on our walk back from buying fruits and veggies at the Farmers Market and the sky started spitting a little afternoon shower. Even as I write this I can still hear the drops pinging on our tin roof. It's making me a bit drowsy so I better get to work on that pile of dresses that needs to be mended for this week's shop update.
P.S. We're heading out to see The Half Blood Prince tonight. I'm such a Harry Potter nerd. Anyone seen it already? Did you like it?
sucha sweet and simple look, I may go see Transformers 2 while everone else is at Harry Potter. :-)
It was goooood!! Meaning Potter! Your outfit is sweet:)
love your shorts!
yea I loved the new HP, I saw it at midnight so I kind of need to view it again in normal time haha but from what I did comprehend in the early hours of the morning, it was quite good
haven't seen it yet - but I'm a total HP nerd too. Guess I'm in good company ;)
definitely going to be working this outfit into my own summer wardrobe. the sixth harry potter is surprisingly light-hearted. i think you'll enjoy.
Love the shorts!
loving those braids!
loving those braids!
oh. my. god. what a perfect summer outfit! it looks so comfortable and light, although i just thought of heading to the movies in that and got a chill! hope you stay warm while you enjoy harry potter.
(i'm a huge nerd for that too!)
best. potter. film. yet! <3
love your camisole! i want it!
If you call yourself a Harry Potter nerd, I'm right with you. I still haven't seen the movie yet and it's killing me! Regardless, your look is wonderful. You're such a pretty girl. xo
just saw it! I personally loved it, but its so sad that tehre are only two more left
i'm dreaming of summers like that...here in socal it's not the same. i'm dying to hang around in a cotton cami in a garden as the afternoon thundershowers gather. mmmmm.
I saw it yesterday, and it was actually very good! The effects and sets are way better than the previous ones, and of course the plot is a little different (but that was to be expected). But the stand out was definitely the acting. Tom Felton brought it, and the other kids were much improved.
Nice!Love ur braids hair alot :D
and those shoes look amazing!
Love ur style!!
ohhhh hot and humid is so good! you are dressed so perfectly for it! that tank top is amazzzing!
My boyfriend and I are totally HP fans too, and we actually took a night off from our crazy road trip to go see it!! It's the best film yet in my opinion!!!! hope you enjoy it!
You look amazing! This is such a perfect summer ensemble... and your hair! I love it :)
saw the harry potter a couple nights ago. scary, but great!
loving the fishtail hair..gorgeous
love the simple outfit as well
check out my blog @
I adore your outfit, and your hair looks gorgeous!
I havent seen harry potter yet, hopefully this week :)
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Hi Sally Jane :)
I've been lurking quite a while and just wanted to say I find your style really inspiring. And in this post..blimey, your legs just go on forever! And I love your tat :)
I don't know how you manage to part with all the beautiful clothes you sell, you've more will power than I..
But yeah, your blog is one of my very faves..thanks!
i saw it at midnight; i totally cried.
Harry Potter was good but it was also really sad ( won't spoil the plot for you in case you haven't read it..)
also they added random bits in which wern't in the book, it was kinda wierd...
i love the hair! you're the ultimate vintage chic!
i love the hair! you're the ultimate vintage chic!
oh dear, i think i'm going to have to steal this outfit! those shorts look great on you, and you look so perfectly summery!
I love your hair in braids!
great fishtails! and I'm loving those shorts on you-ultra cute!
jess s///
Wow - lucky you (about the weather)! It's been hot and muggy here almost every day. Then again, it's Hong Kong, so what else did I expect?
Love the shorts.
Very cute outfit!
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