26 August 2009

I am in exile, a sojourner, a citizen of some other place*


photos by Tom b.

dress: 50s cotton day dress
shoes: thrifted 80s flats
purse: vintage Coach
belt: thrifted
*listening to: Thrice - Beggars "In Exile"

Yesterday while Tom and I were running around town doing glamourous things like picking up a dehumidifier for our basement we stopped to take a few photos in front of his aunt and uncle's house. Wouldn't it be cute to have your own little pond right in your front yard?



Luxe. said...

These are beautiful, I am so glad I found your blog it is so inspiring!.x

Isabel said...

Oh my gosh, the picture of you in front of the pond is the cutest thing ever!

red.neck chic said...

I love love love your blog - and these photos are FANTASTIC!!! I love the dress too!!!

BB said...

I have a major blog crush on you, and with this latest round of photos, it's just ever-growing!

Especially coming from a blogger with nothing but bargain-y fashion on the brain 24/7, it's nice to know that I can come to you to quench my every vintage thirst.

Stunning, stunning photos. Congrats.

Visit my bloggity blog and link with me?


Bree said...

What wonderful, beautiful photos! Your dress is very lovely.

Lorena said...

You ALWAYS have the prettiest pictures !!

Penny said...


AlicePleasance said...

Looks like a lovely place. The dress is stunning!

Anonymous said...

This is dress is so pretty - simple and lovely!

Eyeliah said...

Did you get / notice the interview request I mailed you about 2 weeks ago? Would love if you want to participate, but let me know too if you aren't interested. I'll re email today to the email on your profile page. Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, love the dress!

Sarah said...

Those pictures are beautiful, as always. Awesome dress!

Lexie said...

your hair is so long!

and your photographs are so serene.

Amy P. said...

I love your dress. It looks so dainty and sweet. And that plant in the second photo is amazing. I am also in love with the photo of you by the pond. You aree soo inspiring!

Loni said...

This is so great!!
Very inspiring

What is the camera that Tom using?


Rachel said...

As always, you look wonderful. Love the striped dress and your bag. I have one very similar that used to be my mom's and I carry it all the time. The pond is gorgeous, reminds me of the one my dad built at the house we lived in when I was a kid, except this one is much nicer and larger.

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful inspiration
thanks for sharing, loving every second of your blog as always

check out my blog @

Marie said...

I can't believe how gorgeous those hydrangeas are behind you- my fave flower and color for them, beautiful photos.

Katie Burry said...

Oh what a beautiful outfit! It must still be warm where you are; there have been but a few days that I could have gotten away with an outfit like that where I live lately. :(

~ Caitie

Anonymous said...

I love that last sunflare shot

MC's Closet said...

love these vintage shots!!!
in love with your bloggg--FANN

this is mine-http://mcscloset.blogspot.com/

Ashley said...

Oh...such beautiful photos! I love the one with you are the side of the pond and by the bench! LOVELY! Oh yes, of course you look beautiful as always! :)

Jacquelyn said...

this are amazing photos and such a lovely back drop. you continue to be an inspiration!

Move said...

love this dress so much!


Amelia said...

This place is so beautiful! I would love to have my own pond. Your dress is perfect, too.

Anonymous said...

so peaceful :)
i love

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so beautiful! The dress is pretty amazing aswell, simple and elegant!

Esz said...

What a perfect dress for fall. Lovely!! And I just adore the last photo. :-D

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics! Your style is lovely!

Veda said...

The pictures are beautiful! There is something magical about fields and setting suns. I love your dress - you're working it girl! <3

Q's Daydream said...

Aww, so pretty! :o)

Laura said...

Gorgeous pics, as always! And Thrice is awesome!

Κατερίνα said...

I really love your style....your dress are amazing!!!!xx

M said...

My grandma and mom are crazy about having ponds too, they even have japanese fishies in them!

Anonymous said...

Merci pour tes visites sur http://femmes-en-1900.over-blog.com/
Je t' invite à découvrir http://chapeaux-de-femmes.over-blog.com
A bientôt et bonne balade dans l'univers de la mode féminine 1900

Biru said...

your hair is huuuge and pretty, seems like it's an easy kind of hair unlike mine. The photos of your blog are seriously amazing. Some of the best around the blogging world. :)

lizzle said...

I know this post is fairly old, but I just had to say, I LOVE that dress, it fits you perfectly, and just looks so easy to wear!