31 July 2009

Two Years

It's hard to believe it's been two years since I started this blog. Looking back on those first few posts it's so painfully obvious I had no clue what I was doing! I also had no idea that it would become such a big part of my everyday routine. I'm so thankful for all of the wonderful connections I've made and the friends I've found all because of this little blog. I probably don't say it enough so I want to take a moment to say a huge thank you to all of you reading and for all of your encouraging comments. They always brighten my day!

I always have extra photos that I don't use on the blog whenever I take outfit shots so here's a little look back over the past year...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

im loving this..its gorgeous
thank you so much for sharing

check out my blog @

violetvirus said...

Happy 2nd Birthday to your blog! Thank you, too for blogging and giving others inspiration. Here's a toast to many more years to com :)

ryder said...

congrats sally jane! i always love when you do a round up!

Sarah said...

Congrats! Can't wait for the years to come :)

kater said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see what you have in store for the future. Your blog is one of the first I started reading, and it's always such a great little place to turn to for inspiration :D

Bette V. said...
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Bette V. said...
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Amy // The Girl In The Bowler Hat said...

Happy 2nd Birthday! I haven't read your blog for long - just purely from the fact I've just entered the blogging world, but by the looks of these pictures, you've always worn amazing outfits :)


Angel said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see what this year holds.

melly said...

Happy two years!

This collage is such a wonderful thing to look at, seeing the seasons change, your clothes changing.

Anonymous said...

you look chic in every outfit, but I think January is my favorite :)

Bette V. said...

Congratulations from me too! I love your pictures, you have an awesome blog! Having just started myself, think I have the same thoughts as you had 2 years ago.

You are more than welcome to visit my spot.


Shiloh Mae said...

I love november and january! so cute.

emnilda said...

Congtarulations Sally Jane!!!

m said...

How beautiful! Congratulations on 2 years! Your blog is lovely and definitely one of my favorites.

Anna-Maria said...

Happy b-day to your blog!:) You look so stylish and consistent in every post that I'm so jealous of you!
I on the other hand, go back wishing I could delete some of my older posts just because how poor they are compared to the newer ones (picture quality, text, styling etc.). But I guess while you blog more, you develop somewhere along the way.

Anyway, keep up the good work!:)

Kelley Anne said...

You always take such amazing photos! I just want you to know that your blog is one of my all time favorites and one of the reasons that I started my own. Thanks for all of the inspiration!

Sandra said...

Happy blog b-day :P You're doing a pretty great job!I've read all your archives; I really like how it evolved in time. You've been very inspirational!

This calender selection is also really pretty.

I wish I'll be able to say the same in 2 year's time :)

muchlove said...

happy blogiversary!
I love these photoshoot out takes :)

piglet said...

Congrats on 2 years!
I adore your blog, keep it up :)

Capricioustraveler said...

Lovely! Congrats on the anniversary! You find the most amazing places to take photos.

Two and a Half Ribbons said...

I have your August dress, it's one of my favourite things to wear in the summer, so light! These are all beautiful photos, you have such amazing style.

Gracie said...

i can't wait for the years to come, love that post (:

Q's Daydream said...

Oh wow! This is just lovely! You were the first blog I discovered and the one that made me start my own! You also were my very first comment...hehe :o)

Tracy said...

congrats on your anniversary! i love the october picture! and that adorable romper for july. yum!


Happy Blogiversary!


Christy @ White Willow Vintage said...

You make a lovely calendar girl.

Happy 2nd Anniversary.


claradevi said...

Happy Bloggiversary! Two great years, I suppose - I've been following you all this time and you're such an inspriration. Keep spreading your amazing look! :))

Matt said...

As a boy, its kind of weird to look at girl blogs, let alone fashion based blogs, but yours seems to be the major exception. Congrats, you're awesome!

AlicePleasance said...

Congratulations!!! I love looking at these "secret pictures" :-)

Anneliese said...

i love every single one of those outfits and would wear them myself

happy 2nd birthday sally jane!!

Amelia said...

Congrats on 2 years! Your pictures are gorgeous. I hope I can make it to 2 years...

Rose said...

What an excellent post! Love the roundup of photos. so many fabulous outfits!


andrea said...

A year of fantastic style!

athena said...

You always have such amazing backgrounds for your pictures!

I LOVE your November outfit. :)

reilly said...

Congratulations! :)

hannah, heart city said...

so many great looks! keep em coming :)

Anonymous said...

The colours in your images is so rich! A beautiful retrospective you've put together there :-)

Tiff said...

These would make up a great calendar for the beau wouldn't it? Lovely images as always. xo

Amy P. said...

Mmm congrats on the two years! I have looked forward to your photos of effortless style in dreamy places for a long time now. Great collage of it. :}

Ariel said...

oh i love the little yearly roundup of out takes!

Unknown said...

giggles!!! your the lovliest calender girl!! so sweet!


Casey said...

Happy blog birthday! :) I love your collage of the last year's outfits--so fun!

Anonymous said...

first. happybirthday to your blog
i from south korea. sometimes i visit your blog
i always get good information in fashion also your mind of fashion

always anticipate your daliy posting

have a good day ^&^

Eyeliah said...

Yay, it'd been a great 2 years. And you have come such a long way, love your blog.

reckless daughter said...

well done, that's a big achievement and you've done a brilliant job. your blog is among my favorites and your style is flawless. keep it up ;)

PS: I just love the photo montage!

meighan said...

Wow! Two years, that is awesome! I always love dropping by and checking out your style...it's so inspiring. Thank you!


Happy 2 years! Didn't get to this post until now, due to a bad, bad, bad computer with a nasty virus :(

Love how you laid out this post, btw :)

alexandra said...

oh i really love your looks, your style is very unique, sophisticated and so charming!!! ;) congratulations for this anniversary!

Isabel said...

Amazing - happy blogaversary! That picture of you wearing a mask in a graveyard is so cool!

Rachel said...

I am always amazed and inspired by your beautiful photography. Your outfits are always lovely but the way you photography them just makes it so special. Congratulations on two years of a wonderful blog.

Miss Sewing said...

Happy 2 years!!I hope you enjoyed making every post, because I enjoyed reading them. I love the style of your blog, it is great.

The Inimitable S said...

great style! I love how you did a year end review, brilliant! Your photos are wonderful with the scenery and pose. What photoshop program do you use? I like how you arrange your photos.


please check out my blog

monkey toes said...

i love august and november photos :D classic :D keep up good job.. i love ur blog :P

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