dress: H&M via Salvation Army
slip: vintage
shoes: 60s suede oxfords
hat: 20s felt cloche
purse: vintage straw bag
You all really outdid yourselves with your comments on my two year anniversary post! I can't say thank you enough for all of your wonderful comments and encouraging words. On days like today when I'm overwhelmed and feeling utterly behind in everything I need to do, all of your lovely comments really help to pick me up and move me along. So... thank you a million times!

You deserve them all :-)
Aww, you're the sweetest! I love your outfit to pieces! :o)
Gorgeous,gorgeous gogeous outfit x
youre welcome! its a big deal, you deserve
i love this outfit, simple, chic, innocent, and fun
check out my blog @
Amazing pics!!!
Great blog! I will start to follow!!!
Awww, congratulations! This outfit is so perfect, it's crazy...
love how the dress is a bit loose
I love your hair !
Ive never seen a post where your wearing something i dont like! I love this dress your wearing, you really know what suits you :)
Yours is my favorite blog, the one at the top of the list that I check first! Thanks for being a fashion inspiration. I always liked thrift store shopping, but now it's even more fun to find bargains and cool vintage items! Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your new house as well.
Well, of course everybody loves you and all your photos! Mmm.
I hope things get less stressful.
Ohh, you should make one of those day by day pictures and make a flip book. Just an idea. :D
Cute pics! The bad is super cute!
I'm a sucker for anything polka dot, but your dress is especially lovely.
I adore this outfit! You look precious.
a big fan of your blog! mind exchanging links?
I love your style and your Blog.
I stumbled upon your blog today while at work at the library and absolutely love it! :) Lovely pics and writing!
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