- 50s cotton embroidered blouse
- thrifted hand crocheted cardigan
- Fletcher for Lyell tweed shorts
- AA tights
- 30s oxfords
- vintage wool beret
- vintage umbrella
- vintage Coach purse
- listening to Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
- The Lyre of Orpheus "Breathless"
It's funny how just when you think you have things really together, life tends to throw a wrench right into the middle of everything. I was finally getting back on track after my vacation and really into the swing of blogging again until early this week when everything went topsy-turvy. I try to keep the blog a happy place, a creative outlet where I unleash all my frivolous thoughts about fashion and such but I have to admit, it's been quite a somber week around our house.
The details are all too terrible to write in detail but Tom and I had quite a scare last Monday morning as we awoke to the sound of sirens and the smell of smoke in our house. We had only moments to gather a few belongings before the firemen were at our door telling us to leave our home. When all was done and we were able to return to our house a few hours later, we were only minorly inconvenienced compare to our neighbors who lost everything in the fire.
In the face of such real life events it's sometimes hard to return to a regular routine of blogging (or anything, really) but I think a return to normalcy is just the thing that will get my mind off all of it. It feels strange to be writing about it, but if felt even more strange not to.

In an effort to get back into the routine of things I went out yesterday to take a few outfit photos. By myself. In the cold. While it was raining. It wasn't exactly the most fun I've had taking photos, but I was determined to get through it and in the end, I'm glad I did.
As soon as I got back from taking these, Tom and I finally committed to something we've been talking about for ages; adopting another furry critter from the local Humane League! We knew we wanted to add a third cat to the bunch, but I was so nervous about going to pick one out. There are so many and I knew I'd want to take all of them home with me! In the end, we brought home a little guy named
Stewie (the name may not stick). He's five years old, has adorable white paws and loves to look out the window. I think he's going to be just the thing I need to get my mind off the last week.