Some of you may have noticed my complete lack of Wardrobe Remix photos as of late. There's a good reason for that, I swear! A few posts back I mentioned some big changes coming up for me in 2008 and I'm finally able to share them with you. I'm packing my bags and heading east, ladies! I'm leaving sunny Los Angeles for snowy Pennsylvania. As of January 14th, I'll no longer be an Angeleno. My boyfriend, our three cats and myself are driving cross country with layovers at the Grand Canyon and Birmingham, AL (my home town). The reason for the stop over in B'ham is twofold. The first, of course, is visiting friends and family. The second is thrifting! Yay! I'll be hitting up all my favorite old haunts and restocking the store (and possibly my closet). I've been busy packing and planning for the past few weeks and 90% of my wardrobe is already boxed and ready to go; hence the lack of wardrobe photos. I figured I wouldn't bore you with my uniform of jeans and tees for the next couple of weeks. As soon as we get settled again I'll be back up and running with lots of photos. Wish us luck in the weeks ahead. I’ll do my best to keep up with the blog and I can’t wait to share photos of our trip and our new place with you. Happy 2008!
Hey, I've seen your pictures on wardrobe_remix for awhile but I never realized you had a blog! I like it a lot and I'll definitely keep reading. Want to link up?
It's not snowing here....yet! Have fun and happy thrifting!
Sweet - another East Coaster! :)
Happy New Year! What an exciting adventure - have a great time! can't wait to see what you have for us!
Wow! PA? Why the move to the east coast in the winter? (asked by a girl who has a lot of trouble handling the winter and often mourns the loss of her warm, sunny days)
I hope you guys have fun traveling; it sounds like it will be a blast.
Happy new year!
Happy New year and congrats!
Wow! Those are some big changes. But why PA? I'm here, it's not that great... I do adore change however--and thrift shops. Can't wait to see what you find. Enjoy your trip.
If you're moving to Pittsburgh, let me know b/c I know of a great little consignment shop that is relatively unknown (good vintage accessories!). When I lived in PA, I found some of my favorite accessories there.
Hi! To answer your questions, we'll be moving to eastern PA, just west of Philadelphia. It wasn't ideal to move in the middle of winter, but it just happens that our lease in LA ran out in Dec. and we wanted to wait until after the holidays to move. I'm sure I'm in for a weather shock. It's close to family and we found an amazing place to live - a loft in a refurbished 1865 cork factory. A space like that in LA would easily cost 2 to 3 times as much as we'll be paying. It's got plenty of space for us to work on our own businesses as our goal is to both be self-employed.
As for PA not being that great, I think any where you live is what you make of it. We love to travel and we'll be with in 2-3 hours of several major cities (NY, Baltimore, DC, Philly). After being in LA for three years I don't mind the idea of living somewhere that's a bit quieter. And I'm looking forward to finding new place to thrift!
A very happy new year!!!
Good luck with the blog this year, but I'm sure it will be even greater as this year.
Good luck with your new place and the moving. And a loft, wow that is amazing!!!! I'm jalous!
I know you are traveling, but when you get back, come and visit my blog. I gave you a Blogger Award on my blog! Come check it out. :)
Hey!.. I live in Philly.. if you need to know the hot vintage spots.. let me know!
Hi Patty! Thanks for the offer. I'd love to hear your tips on vintage hot spots in the Philly area. I've done some online research but the best vintage places are always the one the locals know about. If you're ever going to visit LA, I'll be happy to return the favor.
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