12 April 2008

Frälsnings Armén

I know I promised photos of all the treasures I picked up at the Salvation Army this past week. Sorry I haven't gotten around to it yet. It's taken me a couple of days to get it all organized, much less take photos. I'm super excited about all the things I found that are going up for sale in the store. I have enough stock for several weeks worth of sales. Let's put it this way - I had to call my boyfriend to come and pick me up because I couldn't carry all of my bags back onto the bus.

I've never had that kind of luck at the thrift store before. I'm not sure what was going on but it seemed as if several old ladies had gotten together and cleaned out their closets. Every aisle was loaded with little ruffled blouses and 60's house dresses. Most of the clothes had name tags on the collars. Names like Agnes and Helen, Margaret and Sophie. I think at one point I had Mildred Bidgood's entire wardrobe in my cart. And that's not all! I also found tons of treasures from the 80's and early 90's. Cute little flowered sundresses and summery sandals as well as fitted acid washed skirts and stretchy mini dresses. Here are a few highlights (all of which will end up in the store):

70's & 80's mini skirts & wrap skirts, 70's & 80's blouses

ethnic print dresses, 70's sundresses

80's & 90's cotton dresses, secretary style ruffle blouses

70's & 80's secretary style dresses, 60's bags & shoes

And this is just the tip of the iceberg! Right now I don't even have enough hangers to hang all the clothes on my racks. All I know is the readers of SJV are going to be a well dressed crowd this summer!

*Special thanks to elins for providing me with the name of this post: the Salvation Army in Swedish!


c.lorraine said...

Wow! You got such good stuff!!! Its amazing!

Lexie said...

i am in love with the first multi-colored button down skirt! how adorable!

lucky you!

Eyeliah said...

great stuff, of course I love the balloon skirt - wow.

Anonymous said...

oh,so many beautiful things! it's like falling in love, over and over again! and it's great that we can see some swedish here in your blog, i didn't knew that you had "ä" on your key!

AsianCajuns said...

Wow - I can't wait to see it all! Love the dresses. Nothing beats a successful trip to the thrift!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Wow! I would basically wear all of these. Such great luck. That skirt with the hot air ballon is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

wow, the things look so great. IT's really inspiring, for example to sew sth. on my own...

Sharon said...

Wowser-it gives you such a high when you find treasures, doesn't it-well done on your little trove!

Wendy said...

The ethnic printed dresses are perfection!

Unknown said...

gah! i want it all! that is thrift heaven...

Anonymous said...

here comes more swedish word, du är så snygg=you're so handsome.

Anonymous said...

woah! those are some kooky cool finds! btw love the lou inspired outfits below- the top one with the blazer & dress is fab!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Thanks for all of your comments. I think I'll try to work in some of my finds into my "What I'm Wearing" posts before putting them up for auction. :)

Zoë said...

oh my god! You're so lucky! I haven't been to my salvation army in a while, but it hardly has anything. this is crazy!

ramona west said...

i have also been having the best thrift shop luck lately. i wonder if people are spring cleaning? i have a vintage shop on etsy and i have racks stuffed with the some of the best vintage dresses, etc. that i have ever seen. i know i should stop shopping and focus on listing what i have but i am a definate addict.

Riikka Aaltonen said...

Oh wow!
So much totally awesome stuff.

Can't wait to see those beauties at your store!
I'll just have to hope that some of them are in my size. :)

Isabel said...

WOW. Just wow. Mildred Bighood is one stylish broad.

Anonymous said...

I am SO in love with that balloon skirt. I'd arm wrestle my grandma for it. will that one be going in the store?

Sally Jane Vintage said...

betty: Yes, it is going in the store. I took photos of it yesterday. It will be in the batch that posts next Thursday (the 24th).

Fashion Serial Killer said...

love days like this.. there is a place in Tempe that i usually score bags and bags from. It's not nearly as good as it was when it first opened--i'll post a pic of the cute bathing suite i scored soon.