Ever since I saw this photo on Altamira, I've been keeping my eye out for a pair of black and white patent oxfords. Last night, in a bit of online browsing, I came upon these from Forever 21. While they aren't exactly the shoes the girls in the photo are wearing, they are certainly an affordable non-leather alternative. The only thing I have to complain about are those silly little tassels F21 put at the end of the laces. Why is it that they have a knack for always taking things one step too far?
F21 always does take it one step too far. At least those tassels shouldn't be hard to get rid of.
Those are so adorable; I’m in the market for a pair of oxford's too, but in all black patent, please have a look at my blog as I have tagged you, I’m not sure if you have already been tagged.
snip snip or just use ribbon? easily remedied. they are adorable, the quality isn't very good in their shoes though. the f21 near me doesn't stock their shoes though.... sadness.
I'm craving those shoes! What a great affordable find!
Post if you order these!
P.S. Love your blog and online store, would love to exchange links with you.
Thanks for all of your comments!
Clothes Horse: Yes, I suppose they would be easy to just cut off (or better yet replace the laces altogether).
Fashion-Disciplexxx: I'll be sure to check it out.
Belle: I think I would replace the laces completely. I know they aren't top quality shoes, but they are super cheap so I don't expect too much out of them.
August: Thanks! I'll be sure to check out your blog.
P.S. Is it fashionably lonely in the Lancaster area?
I never think of Lancaster and style being too synonymous. I'm sure you're the red poppy in the middle of the wheat field.
august: Ha! That's one way to put it. I just moved to Lancaster in January so I've only been here for a couple of month. I was definitely used to living in LA where you can walk down the street wearing absolutely anything and no one bats an eye. I do get a lot of strange looks here. I miss the everyday inspiration of walking down the street and seeing people wearing interesting outfits. I don't get much of that here.
So true about F21 (though I'm a frequent buyer).
Would it looks cheesy to trim those suckers off? Otherwise, terrific online find!
(This is the other half of Asian Cajuns)
I didn't know you moved to Lancaster. A couple of our friends went to college in that area (we're originally from Maryland). Keep wearing what you're wearing. With your help Lancaster can become stylish!
Those Forever 21 Oxfords exactly look like the ones from Bally - Bally has those tassels, too.
Like a "Retro-Fetish-Fantasy" !!! Or The delightful paradox of "Vintage" aesthetic , Timeless Elegance with a "creative Soul" . . .
Cordially, Antoine
these shoes look cool! you can easily change the laces if you don't like them.
Complaining about 'those silly little tassels'...? Well, sweetie, if you're a fashionista, you should know that the shoes is a replica of the Al Capone era, and if you watch old Hollywood film noire, you'll be able to take a peek at those shoes in almost every scene. Learn the history of your craft!
Hey Anonymous! I wasn't complaining about the existence of the tassels, just that they looks so cheap and poorly done. Next time you'd like to leave a nasty comment you should cough up your name. Thanks!
ARG! these are so cute, i don't even mind the tassels since laces can always be replaces... BUT THERE'S NO FOREVER 21 IN AUSTRALIA!!! booohoooo!
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