08 April 2008

What I'm Wearing

dress: thrifted & altered (see below post)
sweater: vintage
jacket: H&M
tights: UO
boots: UO
necklace UO
hat: vintage

Here's the dress I worked on over the weekend. This summer I'll be pairing it with strappy sandals but for now I'm still working with lots of layers. Come on spring!


Anonymous said...

Wow, fantastic photos!! I've never come across your site before but it reminds me a lot of Agathe's (StyleBytes.net), and I'll definitely come back and check yours out again. For the record, love the boots!

Anonymous said...

May I steal your shoes? They look so great!

Robin said...

Love it!...Love the color cobination...

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Thanks eveveryone!

Sommm: They are Seychelles from Urban Outfitters.

Amy: I love Agathe's site, so I definitely take that as a huge compliment.

Nadine: Ha, ha! Thanks.

Molly :] said...

You have amazing style!
Simply gorgeous outfit.
I love the shoes. Amazing! :) haha.

Molly :] said...

You have amazing style!
Simply gorgeous outfit.
I love the shoes. Amazing! :) haha.

geri hirsch said...

these shots are so great! the lighting is perfect.

Sharon said...

Hi Sally jane-I've just checked out your thrifting adventures and love your blogs!! We do charity shopping and boot sales over here in the UK, I hope you can check out my blog and website, as I also love shopping for all things vintage and especially getting a bargain! I love your dress-it will look really cute in summer, all bare legged!

Auntie Tati said...

The sweater <3 the colour of it... is amazing :)

Anonymous said...

I just happened to find your blog by clicking on the handy next blog button, but already i'm superbly wowed by the lots and lots of pics! i love your "what i'm wearing" posts!

Zoƫ said...

love it! all of it!

Team Jacobs-McDermott said...

Your style seriously gives me palpitations. I am all a-flutter. Amazing.

kirsty lee said...

i really want those boots!

the brown ones were half price a few weeks ago in UO but black weren't reduced and i couldn't justify £100. bet you got them cheaper than that.

might go and check on them today. although i'm thinking that now spring has sprung i shouldn't really be buying yet another pair of clumpy black shoes...

Rumi Neely said...

Very lovely <3