17 May 2008

What I'm Wearing

photos by Tom B.

dress: vintage (Crossroads on Melrose)
shoes: vintage (Slow on Melrose)
bag: vintage (America's Thrift, B'ham, AL)
necklace: vintage (my grandmother's)

I always enjoy reading where other people find their vintage pieces so I'm going to try to start listing where I find each of my pieces. This dress is a result of trading in some of my old clothes that I no longer wore at Crossroads in LA. When they take all of your clothes they ask if you want cash or store credit. I could see this dress hanging on the rack and I knew it was coming home with me. I think that was the only time I took store credit. :)


Winnie said...

That dress is such a great find, it looks awesome on you!

Anonymous said...

amazing dress!

natalie said...

The dress is a lovely find!

Wendy said...

I love your dress and the shoes!

Lexie said...

you have such a versatile look. never boring.

i love it!

The Stylish Wanderer said...

I love the artsy pictures, and that dress!

Sharon said...

You're lucky your shops do trades/swaps-we don't have that here in the UK-nice shoes, too!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love the dress! And you look smashing - as always.

Miss_Red said...

Lovely dress-I would have gone with the store credit too!

Anonymous said...

Oh you find the most amazing dresses - and the shoes are also a great choice.

AlicePleasance said...

The shoes are great! You're so lucky you can trade your old clothes! Having not this kind of stores here, you can only throw your old clothes away or give them to charity, but of course it's for free...

Romeika said...

Amazing find the dress, but my fav piece u're wearing are these lovely shoes, love the flower detail.

Anonymous said...

the shoes are adorable

Mónica said...

lovely dress, as always!

Anonymous said...

ooh, the cutest dress ever <3

Unknown said...

you always take so nice pictures :) pretty dress

Dotti said...

Ui, I love that new dress of yours with those oh so nice green and blue flowers. To death, to be precise...
As I adore your blog, by the way. I just put you on my blogroll for my daily dose.

Anonymous said...

i think your blog is even more beautiful now, all of your pictures are stunning. do you have a new camera or something like that?

Missa said...

Love this outfit and these shots are just incredible! By the way, I featured your 100% Thrifted posts on my blog today :)

Missa said...

Oops, I meant to include the link too.

Michelle said...

hehe, I like how the florals on your shoes subtly correspond with your dress!

Richel said...

These pictures are beautiful.

Unknown said...

You are such an inspiration....I seriously ache for more florals and to frolic in an abandoned brownstone!

Unknown said...

oh, i was looking through foto_decadent and this shoot reminded me of your pictures, vaugely. at least some of them. :)

ellie said...

terrific shots of that dress & shoes too..excellent.

María said...

The dress is sooooo pretty!

Danz said...

Gorgeous photos, I love the mood created by the colours and the lighting. The dress is really great. Would you like to trade links?

Anonymous said...

aww you look like a 50's housewife you look great

Shes Dressing Up said...

The dress is so beautiful, and what a great fit on you! I wish my thrifting sessions were more successful!