dress: vintage
sandals: vintage
sunhat: Fairfax Flea Market
sunglasses: vintage
My ginormous sunhat was bought at the Fairfax Flea Market last year as part of a 70's costume for a theme party. I never thought it would come in so handy but the sun has been relentless in its pursuit to burn my shoulders.
Absolutely lovely :)
floppy straw hats are the best! the third picture is my favorite. i could swear it was taken in 1968.
Please please please please OH PLEASE sell that H&M divided motorcycle jacket you have, I've been looking for it EVERYWHERE, literally. but they don't sell it at H&M anymore and I really want it. Please, I'm begging you! I've searched all over eBay, even google, and t brought me to your blog and eBay store. Pleaseeeeee do!
Thanks so much everyone!
Alana: Sorry, but that one's a keeper! :)
Hey! Thanks for reading my blog, that means a lot to me that you said all those nice things, because I love your style so much! I am adding you to my blog roll too :)
And as for the romper, thanks for the answer. I wish there were a topshop here too! Why not?! I think I might just have to try and order it... but then again... rompers kind of make me look like a fool. The ones I've tried on so far, that is (which haven't been all that fabulous).
This outfit is stunning! Your photos are amazing. I want your closet! Are a lot of the things you own thrifted?
Awesome pictures, lovely outfit :)
This looks like a photo shoot from seventeen magazine circa 1999. I mean that as a compliment!
Something about a big floppy hat with a summer dress harks back at a more opulent fashion era.
Love the sandals. You showcase them effortlessly.
I really like this summer look you threw together. The floppy hat is just perfect as well.
Beautiful as always! Looks like the perfect outfit for a hot, summer day! I have always wanted to wear a big hat like that, but have never had the balls!
You and your photos look gorgeous as always. I absolutely love the size of that brim- I've been searching for a hat just like that (trying not to succumb to UO).
I love the pattern on you dress, its very charming, and your over-sized hat reminds me of summers on the beach when I was little when I would wear my mom's giant floppy hats. Those were good times!
Lovely photos and outfit of course!
Adorable, amazing!
i love your tattoo--its funny how it matches your dress and hat, but of course you knew that already. :P
So pretty! I love the hat and you pull it off so well--I'm rather afraid of such bold hats.
That sunhat is the cherry on top of the cake- completes the look- LUV it!
That sunhat is the cherry on top of the cake- completes the look- LUV it!
I found your blog today, and i am in love! I love yor style :)
so lovely, those shoes and hat compliment that dress so well! xo
I looove that big hat! Those shots are great, remind me about something like...Dawson's Creek!
These pictures are amazing! I really like your style. As always, amazed with your vintage finds...
Nice dress, and lovely, summery photos.
you pulled off the hat amazingly.
i have one but i´m not bold enough to wear it out yet :S
Mm, I love these pictures! Makes me want to go straight up to my sommerhouse =)
J'adore your blog, your pictures are very inspiring.
(I should also inform you that I am ever so jealous of your pale skin.)
lovely lighting, it's all about that hat!
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