28 December 2008

In The Beginning...


Spending a few days at my parent’s cabin gave me the opportunity to rummage through all of our old family photo albums. The original plan was to dig up embarrassing bad-adolescent-fashion photos but I when I came across these earlier snapshots I couldn’t resist. I guess this is hard evidence that I’ve always loved dressing up and having my picture taken. ;) I think you can see that I'm still using some of the same poses. Please try not to laugh too hard at my attempt to dress up as an Indian for Halloween. I was stricken with a terrible case of chicken pox and still have the scars to prove it. I think that grimace on my face says it all. For years after that (so many years I’m embarrassed to admit how many) I thought that chicken pox was something that happened to children only on Halloween night.


elysia mann said...

that indian picture- can't stop laughing! priceless.

AlicePleasance said...

You were a stylish lil girl! Look at those jeans!
The indian picture is fantastic ;-)

Eyeliah said...

Such cute pics!

hadley said...

Oh my god the tutu picture is gold. So adorable.

Penny said...

totally adorable! x

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

Very cute :)

heather said...

so cute! i think the ballerina is my favorite, but they all come in a close second.

Anonymous said...

haha adorable! that indian photo is priceless- my one friend never got chicken pox uh oh! her mom tried to expose her to it, when the neighbors got chicken pox but nancy thought they looked scary and didn't want to play with them...oops haha

{Tara} said...

So cute...and so blonde!! Hope your holidays were wonderful. Happy new year!

Fashion Trend Guide said...

How cute! I got chicken pox after I graduated from college, but luckily, it wasn't too bad. Isn't it fun to look at old photo albums?

megan said...

aww so cute! I love the rounded corners especially.

megan / http://mallratcouture.blogspot.com

Fashion Tidbits said...

:) *smiles*

Ina Seb said...

SO CUTE! i love the glasses! you look like one of my friends here! :D. http://babybarbarella.blogspot.com/

LF said...

I love your old photos, you were an adorable child (and indian!) Happy Early New Years!!

allison said...

Yes, that indian picture is so cute, and really very fashionable! When did your hair turn so much darker??? I had very blonde hair when I was little, but it is still a dark blonde. I didn't know hair could have such a dramatic change (unless of course you dye it to stay a brunette, in which case my fascination would be completely in vain...)

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Thanks everyone! I had a good laugh looking through these old photos.

Allison: I'm actually still a natural blonde underneath all of the hair dye. I can thank Loreal for my current brunette locks. :)

Taís Toti said...

now I'm curious to see how you look like with your natural hair...
brazilians would kill you, they all try so hard to be blonde, hihi.

Anonymous said...

haha you were so cute! and you still are... but i want to see some of the bad-fashion adolescent ones too!

Rebecca Jane said...

These are beyond adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

SOOOO adorable! And yes, I can totally see the poses that you still use! funny how some things just stay on forever!