lace blouse: vintage
sweater: A&F via Salvation Army
skirt: vintage
tights: AA
shoes: Seychelles via UO
hat, belt, purse & gloves: vintage
*listening to: Fleet Foxes Sun Giant EP "Mykonos"
I'm finding inspiration for outfits pretty far and few between these days. This ensemble is a result of playing dress up in my closet for about half an hour before I finally settled on something I liked. I've been wanting to wear that pretty lace blouse but it's so sheer and probably not the most reasonable thing to wear in sub-freezing temperatures. When I looked in the mirror I felt a bit like an old timey magician. Maybe that's the influence of recently watching The Prestige playing on my subconscious. I suppose now I'll have to figure out how to pull a rabbit out of my hat. On the other hand, self decapitation sounds like an interesting trick...
Wow, beautiful outfit!
you really have some of the most inspiring outfits out there right now, this is fantastic- there's just something so stirking about it- i really do love that hat! so cool where you got your inspiration!
and fleet foxes is my new favorite band!
I love it!! :o)
I love this outfit! The blouse looks gorgeous under the grey and the hat is great!
Love the background !Looks like an old factory or something..The skirt and the hat are my favourite, you really are a lovely magician :)
i love mixing brown and black.
you are so lovely!
those photos are perfect
its like an old train station from world war two or something
the outfit is divine..i adore that bag!
I CANNOT get enough of your amazing photos! The outfits and the locations are brilliant! ps - my sisters boyfriend is a magician and their home is filled with those posters! love it! xx
You should read Carter Beats The Devil, by Glen David Gold. I'm sure you'll like it!
I love your little black purse. That hat is so unexpected and welcoming. Your whole outfit is very french-school-girl meets the Mad Hatter for tea. The color palate for the ensemble is just so right. Love it!
I love the little collar on your shirt. Too cute. And the fact that you got that sweater at Salvation Army just drives me crazy - in a good way! I love it and I love that you thrifted it.
Thanks so much for all of your comments! You gals really make my day. :)
Jayne: I know! I can't stop listening to Mykonos, over and over.
Ambroisine: It actually is an old factory! The building where I live used to be a cork factory in the late 1800's.
The Cherry Blog: Thanks! A home filled with old magic posters sounds amazing.
AlicePleasance: Thanks for the recommendation. I'll be sure to check it out.
Anonymous: Thanks! I like that combination. ;)
Niki: Thanks! I really hate Abercrombie but when I found this cashmere cardigan at the S.A. I had to make an acception. :)
I love these pictures!!! The hat and skirt are perfect. This outfit is amazing.
Aren't Fleet Foxes oddly addicting? I bought their CD over the Christmas good. Gorgeous outfit!
Love love love the gloves hat and purse combo !!!!
I love how you are able to wear the hat & gloves and still look contemporary... this time of year makes it hard to be fashionable (especially when it's 15 degrees here in Chicago!) but you don't seem to have a problem finding inspiration for fab outfits. :)
It's really crazy that the guys from the fleet foxes are all famous now. A good friend of mine in Seattle was friends with them so they would always be at her parties, she had the best parties too. I never really talked to any of them, they seemed shy. I guess that is just typical Seattle. I do really love the new cd, it's amazing. Very peaceful and somehow catchy at the same time, weird combo. I love your blouse/cardi combo, very sweet.
that blouse is so delicate and sweet looking, and the gloves add a really nice touch. timeless outfit :)
i've been listening to Mykonos on repeat too. must be something in the (freezing) air.
I too adore your purse.
hahahah i wouldnt mind decapitating myself right about now. i spent an hour shovelling my car out of the snow today! UGH! i would kill for cardigan weather!
This is so gorgeous and feminine, I especially love the gloves. & yay for Fleet Foxes :D
P.S. you simply cannot decapitate that lovely head of yours!
Love the gloves and the sweet blouse. Is the skirt made of silk? It photographed with such an interesting sheen.
I was watching VH1's 40 Greatest Pranks yesterday, and in one of them a guy self-decapitated on a bus, caught his head, then put it back on. Watching it on television, I laughed, but if I'd been on the bus I'd probably need therapy.
Very beautiful.
that is such a cute outfit u put together!
i adore ur blouse.
Awesome hat! A friend of mine recently lent me The Prestige but I hadn't got round to it. Your outfit makes me want to go and watch it right now.
You look so gorgeos!
juliet xxx
Oh, I absolutely love this! Every bit. You make me want to wear a little hat like that! Beautiful!
really loving it :)
I love this! That ruffle shirt is so pretty and love the cardigan.
this is one of my favourites of you yet ;).
you look lovely x
I think it's the hat that make the magician outfit come true!lovely:)
I love, love looove this!! you need an assistant though! ;)
PS My boyfriend always plays me that song "white winter hymnal" and I never know who sings it or the name of it I just say "can you play me that song I like" - so thanks for solving the mystery behind all that! now I can listen to it all on my own!!
PPS I didn't get to send the package out yesterday. I ended up doing some major reconstruction on the long mustard jumper - i forgot that there was way toooo much skirt for anyone's good. So I'll send that on Monday!!
Thanks so much for all of your comments!
Lydia: Yes, I find them quite addicting. I still haven't gotten tired of listening to that song.
Leilani: Thanks! You better believe that I was running for my warm coat seconds after these photos were snapped. It's cold here too!
Pretty Pirate: How cool that you know those guys! They certainly deserve all of the fame. I love their music and I hope they do well.
Andrea: I'm not good with identifying fabric so I'm not sure exactly what the skirt is made of. It does have a nice sort of pattern within the black.
the snail & the cyclops: Thanks! Want the job? Ha. I'm laughing at all of the ways we find to communicate. Flickr mail, Etsy convos, blog comments... I swear I have your actual address around here somewhere. I'm going to find it now...
i love that film. i never saw the ending coming!!
love the bowler it too! x
I love your blog. I am adding you to my list. Your style is awesome ;P
It took me waay too long, but I'm finally commenting on your blog!!! I really, really love your style and I always love your inspirations too! Old magic stuff is the coolest--there's something so wonderfully creepy about it all! Your outfit is so so wonderful and lovely! I commented on flickr (I'm thecatspajamas!) but I wanted to finally comment on here!
whaaaaaaat?? you are seriously KILLING me with your good taste and fun outfits. impeccable! total girl-crush alert!! :) i just found your blog and i'm so happy i did!
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