dress: vintage (swap with Francesca)
blouse: UO
tights: AA
shoes: Seychelles via UO
purse: vintage (swap with Francesca)
faux glasses: vintage
*listening to: My Morning Jacket Evil Urges "Librarian"
The other day (I think it was Saturday) I was sitting at my computer just wasting a little time watching old TV episodes on Hulu when I checked the weather and realized it was 50 degrees outside. Fifty! Five-0! That's the warmest day we've had since... well, I can't even remember. I knew I had to get out of the house to enjoy a bit of warm(ish) air so I threw on my most library appropriate outfit and headed out the door. I didn't really have any particular book in mind, so I mostly just wandered the aisles, taking the the smell of the old books and flipping through any whose pretty spines caught my eye. It's a good thing I took advantage of the day because I awoke this morning to yet another blanket of snow covering the ground. Well, at least now I have a couple of books to curl up with while I wait for it to melt away.
Wow, that's a great dress! I really like your whole outfit. You totally fit the 'smart librarian' theme!
Our weather here in Dallas is absolutely nutty -- 4 days ago it was almost 80 degrees & today we will have a high in the 20's with freezing rain on it's way. And this weekend we'll be close to 70 again. Talk about wardrobe confusion!
Have a great day! :)
that dress looks beautiful on you! i love the library!
The colors in these pictures are beautiful!
lovely melange of colors and style.
Gorgeous outfit! I love the combination of the jumper's texture with the striped blouse. :)
I love the dress/blouse combo.
I also need to hit up the library. Can't pass up anything free in these times :)
you have officially made me so jealous of your spring like weather!
there is still 3 feet of snow on the ground in montreal and there will be until about april!
i shall continue to live vicariously through your, and other bloggers warm weather!
you've inspired me to make a special library trip soon!
wow! you guys swapped the whole outfit!?! what a great idea!
It's really funny how 50 degrees can be a warm temperature for you and a winterish one for me! We're having 10°C here and I regularly wear 2 sweaters, coat, scarf and wool gloves, often thinking "how cold"!!!!
By the way, the whole outfit is GORGEOUS!!! Those shoes were a great great find :-)
I love these photos! the library is still one of my fave places to go, so quiet and has such a distinct smell that only old books can have! :)
those shoes! that dress! this is how you do librarian chic.
Beautifull outfit. Love the dress and the purse, great swaps!!!
For my school I spent a lot of time in librarys, I even have to read books that are 300 years old. So I love the smell of old books aswell!
i can spend hours and hours in the libarary looking up books i've been wanting to read! let us know which ones you're reading!
I really love this outfit, especially with your hair up!
As a photographer, I'm extremely curious where you find all your interesting vintage boarders...?
Thanks so much everyone!
Athena: Wow, that is some nutty weather. That would drive me a little crazy!
futurelint: Thanks! I got so many compiments on the dress. I'll be sad to give it back!
Q's Daydream: Thanks! I was lucky to have some nice light from a window in the library to take the photos.
me melodia: Thanks!
casey: Thanks! I was hoping the stripes weren't too much for the outfit.
briannelee: I know! That's part of the reason I hit up the library. Free entertainment!
Meaghan Kelly: Wow! I can't imagine three feet of snow. Right now we've got about an inch!
Shelah: We did a temporary swap of a few things to help out with the winter blues. It's been fun!
AlicePleasance: I guess it's all relative. After a summer of 90 degree temps 50 suddenly feels cold. But right now it's a nice break from the teens.
Fell4Fashion: I love the smell of the books!
Kennedy: Thanks! I got a few looks. I think some people might have thought I worked there. ;)
Imelda: Wow! 300 year old books. Amazing!
You look amazing! That dress is one of my all-time favorites from Effie, it's so perfect. I love everything about this, you look so cute in the glasses with you hair up too. You're right, it has been a long time since I wandered around in the library. Usually I just pick up books that I have on hold, but a good library wander is definitely a valuable thing.
Wonderful outfit. I'm really loving the purse and glasses. Those seychelles look so good on you, as always. If only the library nearest to me looked just like that!
I absolutely love this! What a cute purse too.
...and what can be more delicious than to curl up and read a book while it's chilly out!? Love it.
You look is just really different with your hair put up like that; but it is really nice, and the dress is cute :)
P.S. The smell of old books are like the smell of old vines, so I agree :)
You're my favorite geek!
LOVE this ensemble.
To smithereens and beyond.
another gorgeous outfit! i wish we had some snow here!!
also, check my blog for the FABOLOUS BLOG AWARD, I'm giving you!
very pretty! great pictures too!
This outfit is beautiful probably one of my favorites of yours.
It is just lovelyyy.
What a great outfit !
You look fabulous with your hair up and the glasses. Did you know?
♥ Dotti
Really great outfit. I prefer to buy my books solely because I love having favorites forever, but the library is still a place I love to find myself in.
i am so jealous of your height. you can pull off so many things i would just drown in.
and! you look pretty in glasses!
the tieing piece: glasses
love it, love all of it.
you look awesome! xxo
this dress is killing me! i am in awe.
wow I am a particular fan of this outfit and the photo location - fantastic!
And I too I am big item watcher and hardly ever bidder on ebay. I consider it online window shopping. After the listings end I often save the photos to a folder on my computer so I can lust after them again in the future. However, when something I really like sells for a low/good price I definitely share in your remorse.
I love the shoes and the dress!
I like the library look lol it's a nice picture!
bonjour! je suis suedoise et j'aime ton blog!
- I don't trust my french too well but anyway, I love your blog!
I'm going to Paris soon, any vintage recommends?
/ Hanna
Aw, such a cute librarian!
I have started to like librarian styles myself.
I think I would need to find a good pair of geeky glasses to make it perfect. :)
What an *amazing* library dress! So cute.
a totally great outfit!
Oh, I recognise this dress! It's interesting how this outfit looks completely different on you than it does on her :) Looking lovely, and totally library appropriate. I love libraries.
great outfit! I spend hours on end reading books too...
That outfit is killing me it's so amazing.
So library appropriate! Love that color green on you!
perfect librarian outfit! wow, i havent been to the library in ages! what a good idea for a photo shoot!
OH! Beautiful!My favourite place in the world- library! Isn't that fantastic that you are able to forget about everything inside, deciphering old books?
Love this! I've reblogged you on a librarian-themed fashion blog some friends and I started (we're all varying degrees of librarians).
You can find it here:
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