14 July 2009

Audrey, Ip and Mr. Famous


Writing a post about Audrey Hepburn as a fashion icon is sort of like writing a post about the sky being blue or summer being hot. A bit obvious, but nonetheless true. It's such a daunting task to imagine saying something original about the subject, I hadn't dared tackle it. But when I ran across this collection of photos by Bob Willoughby featuring Audrey and her beloved pets Pippin, nicknamed Ip, and Mr. Famous I couldn't resisit.

As documented in the NY Daily News, Willoughby was as on-set photographer for many of Hepburns films who grew close enough to the star to follow her home and capture her candidly among her four legged friends. Can you imagine what a sight Ms. Hepburn must have been, strolling around Beverly Hills for an afternoon of shopping all while being followed by that adorable little deer? What a dainty pair they must have made. The whole scene reminds me a bit of The Golden Compass. Don't you imagine if Audrey had her own dæmon, surely it would have been a deer?



Rebecca said...

I wish I had a pet deer. And that I was Audrey Hepburn.

Dreams... :)

Isabel said...

Yeah, I saw those photos on The Clothes Horse blog. They're wonderful!

christina said...

Her face in different shots and angles are just so lovely. A pet deer sounds beautiful as well!

Anonymous said...

i told my brother i wanted a pet deer and he told me i was dumb because they run towards car instead of away
he has a valid point.
regardless, these photos are flawless
thank you for showcasing a classic.

check out my blog @

reilly said...

A deer?! I'm jealous. I wonder if she actually kept it when it became full grown!

Hanne said...

Aw, Ip! My father gave me a book about Audrey a few months ago, and it was chalk full of these pictures, and more! I don't think it was possible for Audrey to take a bad photo..lucky woman!

Anonymous said...

it would be so odd to have a petdeer, but only Audrey would do it :)

Emily Blackapple said...

I've always loooved that one of the dainty pair at the supermarket.

hannah, heart city said...

audrey grocery shopping with her little deer is too much! how i'd love to be the check out girl for that purchase

Anonymous said...

Adorable pictures. And though this was not the point of your post - I love The Golden Compass! Excellent book. Also love your blog!

-Jenna(and Maura)

Andrea Eames said...

Just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

how lovely!!

E said...

These photos are gorgeous! I saw some images on Hiving Out as well- just darling.

Sandra said...

I think I saw these I while ago...Anyway, that deer pet is pure surrealism! Can you find anything cuter in a weirdish way?

Anonymous said...

The last photo is my favourite. I have the LIFE magazine of his photos of her for the anniversary.

still inspires me.

Alice said...

Oh,I never knew this!
Thank you :)

Unknown said...

I love these pics! I'm sure the fashion collective unconscious is at work because I have deja vu telling me I've seen these pics somewhere recently!

Sher said...

Cute pics! love the one with the deer:)

piglet said...

I love the one of them sleeping on the couch - bless!

catherine_sr. said...

I love that photo of them at the grocery store. It looks like Audrey is consulting with Ip about what to buy for dinner.

Melissa Blake said...

Gorgeous photos! :) I've always wanted to be a photographer, but sadly, I can't take a photo to save my life.

Kennedy said...

In my humble opinion you certainly outdid any audrey hepburn post I've ever seen, these pictures are so beautiful!


Audrey is a doll, no doubt!

The Littlest Smitten said...

I've always loved those photos of Audrey. A fawn is so fitting for such a delicate petite woman as she was. I was once Holly Golightly for halloween. The classic opening scene with the tiara, black,dress gloves. It was such a fun outfit that year and I even had the little bangs. Not to mention my name is Holly!

Little Bo Peeep said...

Ohh yes i've seen these pictures of Audrey before but i never get bored of looking at them. She's so beautiful! <3

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn. I've become unusually obsessed, everybody thinks I'm crazy but who doesn't love her? She was a very unique person. Some of those photos are in the book Audrey Hepburn Treasures, that is an excellent book. I read it just about everyday.

Kat said...

I love audrey hepburn. I am completely obsessed- i tend to buy anything with her name or picture on it! People think i'm quite strange...
They are georgous photos, and a georgous deer. Thank you!

Sweetpaintedlady said...

Oh thats soo sweet, Imagine the reaction now if you took your pet deer to the supermarket

Anonymous said...

I like your blog! I also love Audrey, and that living room in the middle pic is to die for.

E said...

the deer reminds me of bambi...how adorable

Anonymous said...

i love audrey
and i love deer, they seem like lovely pets, until they grow up anyway..

Em said...

lol I wonder which one of them had better doe eyes?

sorry couldn't help myself :p

Phyllis said...

i love that your audrey post is different from the obligatory breakfast at tiffanys post on every other blog. these are great photographs!


Phyllis said...
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