07 December 2009

Class Photos


This set of class photos are among my favorites that I've found on Flickr lately. Class photos are always fun but these are especially nice because they were scanned at a very large size. Go here to see this one in all of its full size glory. I would kill for any one of those dresses on the girls in the front row. I also love how the girls are sweetly holding hands, the hair-dos on the boys and striped socks with saddle oxfords.


Coco said...

These are so fun! Thank you for sharing!

I went to a antique fair yesterday and a man had thousand and thousand of old photographs 1900-1950 and some class photo! I spent hours looking through! it is very addictive :)

-Coco from Our Paper Moon

o said...

i love it, too! thanks for sharing these pics=D they have such great style and dresses back then =)


Isabel said...

These are awesome! I love looking at all my granny's vintage photographs.

Sidewalk Chic said...

These are great photos. It makes you wonder how they ended up living their lives. I love those saddle shoes and the sweet collars! - JoAnn

Harbor District Vintage said...

oooh i especially love that third one from the left... that collar is to die for.

The Thriftaholic (Leilani) said...

I just started collecting class photos (and old yearbooks!) this summer... they're pretty fascinating and I always love looking at the fashions.

Katherine said...

I love old class photos!! My great great aunt used to be a teacher so she's passed down a few old class photos. I especially love to guess what each kid's "story" or personality is in the picture. These photos are just great!!

Anonymous said...

you always find the most fascinating photographs! love it.


melly said...

All the girls have curls in their hair! What a sight!

elisesophie said...

I love old pictures, and this one is so amazing. :) The clothes were so lovely before.

Casey said...

Oh wow--thanks for posting the link to these! :) I've lately been on the hunt for group-type photos; I always love studying people's face and clothes in these sorts of old images.

I'm dying for a plaid skirt like the girl in the front row!!! :D

♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com

A said...

Those dresses are heavenly! I just love vintage photos.

Tela de Araña said...

wine and flowers dress!

Good price! I think I´m going to buy it.
I will we waiting for it in Spain...