Hello from Winter Wonderland! The three inches of snow that fell on Tuesday night feels like nothing compared with the two feet that's fallen in the past 24 hours. Tom and I have spent the day trying to keep up with shoveling the sidewalk in front of our house (ok, Tom really did the shoveling). I trudged through thigh high snow drifts in the backyard to feed the birds that were trying to keep warm. The snow on our birdhouse (thanks Mom!) has been acting as our snow gauge.
I spent the rest of the afternoon making a huge pot of hot and sour soup to warm our bones and baking brownies for snacking on tonight while we finally get around to watching The Hangover. Not exactly a fashionable day. Ha, ha! I still had on my pjs underneath my coat when we snapped these photos first thing this morning. Umm... I'm still wearing them now. I think we're going to try and get out tomorrow for a walk and enjoy the car-free streets and trees heavy with snow. More pictures then!
wowweeee! i loved our snow day for one day, but then afterwards trying to get around in it was a nightmare. we didn't have even half this amount though. have fun and keep warm!
these photos are gorgeous! i can't get over how cute that little snow capped bird house is!
That is an incredible amount of snow!! You do look extremely fashionable in your pj's with that beautiful jacket thrown overtop! I wouldn't have known there were pj's underneath!
Love these pictures! It is quite a crazy snow-fest out there, isn't it?
Haha wow! That's an amazing birdhouse photo!
how much fun! love that you look gorgeous even with pj's on. we're snowed in here in DC as well. 28 inches!
enjoy your brownies and the hangover!
Whoa! Thats alot of snow! I totally understand! I wonder if your storm is gonna hit us over here in Montreal.
You look gorgeous as ever in the snow.
Those poor birds -- I hope they're keeping warm tonight!
- JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk
holy cow! i love playing in the snow! i wore all sorts of crazy layers to go out though!
you have no idea how terrifying that is for me. haha! ;)
but you seem to look quite happy standing there in that snow! keep warm!
I miss the snow!
oh wow! the snow looks so gorgeous in your shots! the snowstorm outside my window isn't as glamorous... its like freezing rain :/
That is what it looked like here! They called a state of emergency in Delaware. You could get charged for driving. In the City of Wilmington, they are not allowed to drive until Monday 8 a.m.
I'm so over the snow. Is it Spring yet?
oy the snow is insane! since I'm from MN I'm used to snow, but clearly DC isn't. kind of funny/annoying watching people freak the hech out.
I couldn't even imagine what it's like to have that kind of snow right on your doorstep!
I LOVE the picture of the birdhouse. How amazing!!! The snow on top of it looks just like your cute cap!
Wow! Two feet! I can't even remember the last time we had 2 feet in one day in Chicago. We get a lot of snow but 2 feet in one day is crazy. Sadly, even if there was 2 feet, nothing would stop. I would still be expected in at work. Haha
The birdhouse looks so cute with all that snow piled on top!
Woah, how beautiful! I can't believe all the snow.
It seems about the same in DC. We went out for a long walk tonight and then a couple of drinks at a bar, and I swear it rejuvenated all of the folks I was with. Brunch tomorrow and then another walk--I think the physical activity is keeping us sane!
Tell me about it! I'm from Shippensburg, PA, and the amount of snow we're getting here is unreal! I feel like we've been due for an actual winter for a long time, though.
There's been whispers here in Good Ole Utah that we are going to have a bit of snow fallin' ourselves tomorrow (only not nearly as much as your two feet!)
I can only hope that I'll look as adorably stylish as you all buttoned up when it does :)
snow always fascinates me. :)
Oh my goodness! I wish it was that pretty here. It's just icy and dreary. The birdhouse picture is so neat!
I have never even seen snow in real life. Stay cosy, lovely!
Ah! It looks insnae there. I have to say I'm happy I'm in WA this winter... @_@
That's alot of snow! Keep warm and I bet you'll love The Hangover.
I love love love your coat! And you'll love The Hangover, I just bought it today after continuously renting it.
i heard the storm was really bad there in east coast. Do stay warm :)
I really like your blog, and It's my first time here, but your style is awesome!
Fantastic pictures, colours, and outfits!
I just want to add your blog to my favourites...can I?
because I want to pass more times here!;)
xxx from Barcelona!
Ahh these are great photos!
I loved the snow when we first got it, but after day it gets soooo annoying!
Beautiful pictures.
fancy lingerie
we had a snow day too! it wasn't very fun though because we lost power all day and night. also, just moving down from Maine, I'm so done with snow. here in DE its a record amount snow fall since 1883! do you think we brought the snow with us?! lol ;o)
Oh my god, that snow is amazing!
You still look nice in your pjs :)
oh my gosh! that snow is ridiculous! i am used to snow/midwestern winters, but we havent gotten anything like that!
Hey, is that coat from H&M? Because if so, we have the exact same one!
wow. that's some snow! i hope you made a snowman!
Oh wow! And I was complaining about a little snow spell that finally covered the ground. Very beautiful photos!
holy canoli that's some serious snow. gorgeous photos though.
This blog and these pictures are so incredible! I love todays warmth in contrast to these chilly snow pictures. I'll definitely be back for more!
holy smoke. that's a lot of snow!
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