OK, I'm going to risk sounding like a crazy person when I say this but sometimes I have dreams where I'm at the thrift store finding really good stuff so I wake up the next morning feeling like I need to get to the thrift store where I inevitably end up finding really good stuff! Last week I had such a dream where I found tons of leather purses. Lo and behold... tons of leather purses! I've added all of these to the Etsy shop. Oh, and if you're name is Cindy I found your perfect bag!
Sometimes I have dreams where really fantastic vintage things happen, like I stumble upon a vintage store in the area having a huge sale and come home with armloads of clothes. Then I wake up and its not true :(
Last night I dreamed about a dress I've been harping over at an antique store nearby. It's damaged badly and overpriced, but I think I can fix it and it's lovely. I dreamed it was gone, so now I think I have to go get it!
Good use and REuse of cow!
I have the exact same types of dreams! I've never tried going to the thrift store the same day though. Hmmmm. . . xD
One time I dreamed I got all these fantastic finds at my favorite thrift store but then I walked out with my bag but without paying! I woke up in the morning and was like "Mom! Mom! We have to go back to the thrift store! I forgot to pay!"
My mom was a little bit confused. Haha. And I was rather disappointed when I realized it was a dream.
argh! That bag is so cool-I wish my name was Cindy!!!I love things with names on them.
You are absolutely fabulous vintage sweetheart:)
No way! I have a bag that is almost the same as the Cindy bag, except it is called Helen and has a different flower pattern!
A while ago the strap got really wet without me noticing it, though, and part of it is really brittle now :(
Oddly enough, I had a dream last night I went down a back lane and found an amazing lot of mid century furniture in the trash. I loaded up my shopping cart (which apparently i was pushing around like a bag lady) and ran away with it. I woke up wishing it was true. Maybe I should troll some back lanes tonight....
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