21 July 2010

Etsy Update: Peachy Keen


Here's a little peek at the items I'm working on adding to the Etsy shop tonight.


Taylor Kitto / The Little Deer said...

oh lovely, lovely! i love that peach dress.

Taylor Kitto / The Little Deer said...

oh lovely, lovely! i love that peach dress.

Bri said...

I'm loving them all! Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that first one with the vest-AGH!!!! But, alas, I have a bigger chest, I doubt it would fit me...bummer!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

The apricot pinafore dress on the bottom middle is lovely - just needs a pretty basket and big sun hat!

Xxx said...

Hello Sally,
today I found your blog through thoughtless clicking through the internet via "People who like your blog also like:" on Bloglovin … and I a must say: I am in awe! Lovely pictures, you sell the most wonderful dresses and I love your outfit pictures! I am always happy to find a new blog with inspirations, so thank you!!
I would be very honoured to welcome you on my own blog some day (http://www.neu4bauer.blogspot.com). Till then, have a wonderful rest of the week and looking forward to your new blog posts!

Yours, Theresa

Mystery Flight Vintage said...

so many pretty pieces!

jamie said...

I love the third one on the top row! I wish I had $32!!!