26 September 2010

I listen to my words but they fall far below...


photos by Tom b.

- 40s dress
- black wedge sandals courtesy of 13Bees Vintage
- vintage wool beret
- listening to: Cat Stevens - Teaser and the Firecat "The Wind"


At one point during our explorations, Tom and I found ourselves in an abandoned bowling alley. Wouldn't it be fun to work in a place where they had a bowling alley on site!? I was really tempted to pick up one of the balls and roll it down the lane but I can't imagine how noisy that would have been in the silence of that room.

Last night and this morning is finally bringing some much need rain to the area. And much cooler temperatures too! I'm taking advantage of the rainy day and staying in to do some much procrastinated sewing, laundry and rewatching last night's episode of Mad Men (so good!). I'm also cooking up a big crockpot of potato and broccoli soup. Yummm!



Collette Osuna said...

GREAT photo shoot location!! Love your pics....and the dress is gorgeous....soup sounds wonderful right about now....its very chilly here in MI....

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Starr Crow said...

i just don't understand... do you live in an abandoned town? you always find the best places with the perfect amount torn wallpaper and rust.

kenda said...

what a great photo shoot location. the pictures are exquisite.

Bea said...

Do you and Tom live in a magical world where you find beautiful photo locations all the time?

Crazy! It's such a cool location.

Bea from A plus B

Piia Õ. said...

wow, an abandoned bowling alley. How can that even exist :)

rachel nicole said...

What an amazing location! How wonderful to stumble upon such a place :] I love the chalkboard photo at the top.

Carys said...

You always find the most amazing photo locations, these pictures are beautiful, and I love your dress!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Bronzed Humanity said...

So cute...you always look so put together, yet not to dressy and definitely not boring :)


Sidewalk Chic said...

I am in awe of how you find these places! Do you ever get scared of wandering around in abandoned places? I hesitate to because I'm afraid of things breaking or discovering animals or getting caught for trespassing. I'd like to be more adventurous though with my photo locations, and you inspire me!

Penelope Nightingale said...

Oh my goodness. This is incredible! I can't think of a more amazing location!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

What a Really amazing place!!!!!

Sarah said...

so envious of all these locations you find. the picture in the bowling alley is tres cool

Theresa said...

Such a gorgeous shoot! and I love your dress. <3

Rebecca said...

How do you find these amazing locations? Beautiful dress.

Jessica said...

Ooh, I remember seeing that dress in Francesca's store, 1385!! I love it so much--I'm glad it went to a good home, it looks lovely on you!

Gracie said...

wowowow great location! just amazing!

Two For Tea said...

What absolutely beautiful photography...the setting is so artistic and chic!


hannah, heart city said...

simply beautiful! and bowling!

Anonymous said...

Ha! This location makes me think of the film "There Will Be Blood". Excellent.

KristiMcMurry said...

Where do you find all these amazing places?! These pictures are just gorgeous.

Louder Than Silence said...

You find the best locations for shoots, tres jealous! x

Anonymous said...

This place is so great. Love Your pics and style!

Kaelyn Choo said...

Love your dress!

Elise said...

Ah lovely pics - so random that the place is closed but they just left all the skittles and stuff, I wanna see it now :)

Sarah with an "h" said...

How do you find all these neat locations?? These are great!

Potato and broccoli soup...that sounds so delicious.
