09 April 2008

What I'm Wearing

shirt: vintage
jacket: H&M
jeans: Superfine
boots: vintage
scarf: UO

It's Wednesday so you know what that means! Half off day at the Salvation Army. I'm on my way to the bus stop now. I'll let you know how it goes. :)


Riikka Aaltonen said...

How on earth do you manage to look so darn cool all the time? :)
Those red boots are fabulous and I love the combination of them and the black and white shirt.

I found you'll find tons of great stuff from the salvation army!

niki said...

those boots are killer

Anonymous said...

I loce those killer red boots with the checkered blouse!

Anonymous said...

I adore the red boots!

Anonymous said...

I like your blog, I put your link in my page.

In Yr Fshn said...

I love the pops of color in these shots.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I love your combo today, especially the shirt-its such a classic! I was charity shopping today, but no bargains for me-boohoo! I hope you had more luck!

Anonymous said...

So grey skinny jeans are still in style? I've been wanting a pair, but am intimidated by the daunting task of finding a new pair of skinny jeans--how skinny? What brand? Yikes!

Anonymous said...

so simple, but still so pretty! and i love the salvation army, the swedish version is called "frälsnings armén"!

Anonymous said...

boots rock!

Sarah M. said...

the yellow of the flowers with the red of your boots really makes that picture stand out! I mean, your outfit is fabulous (I would wear buffalo plaid every day if I could) but the colors are so beautiful that I want to paint them.

Miss T said...

Wow again another stunning look, loving the shirt, the boots just ad that extra lil something to this look.

Anonymous said...

I want red boots so bad, but so far not luck! I love this outfit.

Zoë said...

I love this outfit!
The boots add a really great touch =D

Lexie said...

i think you are prettier than lou dillon. you have softer features.

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Thanks for all of your comments!

I think all of you wishing me luck at the SA really paid off! I found some amazing pieces - I'll share photos tomorrow. :)

Joshylola: Thanks! I was going to look at your blog but it seems the link is not working. :(

FashionLuvr: Grey skinny jeans in style? Well, I guess it depends on who you ask. ;) I'm sure not giving mine up any time soon! Mine are from Superfine and I knicked them for free from the job I had in LA (otherwise I'd never be able to afford them). It seems like Urban Outfitters & Cheap Monday have some good skinny jeans. Just make sure they have a little stretch to them so you can still bend your knees! :)

Elins: Thanks for letting me know that. I think I'll use it as my blog title for tomorrow's post.

copperoranges: Awww. That's so sweet of you. I like that Lou doesn't fit into a stereotypical view of what is considered beautiful and yet she is still considered a beauty and fashion icon.

Vertiginoso said...

"Glam-rock" Perfection, with the Red "Trendy boots" for the Sulfurous Touch !!!
an authentic "Urban féline style", full of powerful casualness . . .

Cordially, Antoine

SKYLA said...

Can't wait to see what you found, hope you'll be putting them up in the store!

Isabel said...

Those red boots are perfect. Just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Hello, i´m joshylola.My blog www.joshylola.blogspot.com.

janna said...

Those boots have got an awesome look!