21 August 2009

I'll be using perfect diction even though I'm terrified...*

photos by Tom b.
dress: 50s cotton day dress
shoes: vintage Ferragamos
purse: vintage Coach
*listening to: He Is Legend - It Hates You "Everyone I Know Has Fangs"

I was trying to find a way to quantify just how busy we've been this week. Let me put it this way. We haven't even gotten around to watching Mad Men yet! I know you're probably already tired of hearing me talk about house renovations but it's sort of an all consuming thing and there's not much room left in my head for much else. As far as fashion stuff goes, I'm trying to enjoy the last bits of summer even though the days have gotten miserably hot and there are huge thunderstorms that roll through every day around dinner (I actually really like the thunderstorms). There won't be too many days left when my list of "what I'm wearing" only consists of three items.

I also want to take a moment to apologize for being so woefully behind on my correspondence. I've gotten so many nice notes and requests for interviews and such things lately that I just haven't been able to respond to. I feel terrible at having let them slip! I promise I'm not ignoring you on purpose. I feel like there needs to be two of me right now. Anyone out there figured out how to clone one's self yet?! I promise I'll respond to everything I've gotten, it just may not be in the most timely manner. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.



naomi megan. said...

these are some of my favorite photos of you. your hair is perfect.


lorena said...

AS usual, your pictures are perfect - I love those shoes....

sarah said...

I can't wait for the pictures documenting your house renovations! Sounds like you're very busy but I'm sure it is all paying off.

Anonymous said...

i love your outfit and your hair - fantastic.
But i'm sure your tatoo switched arms...:L perhaps not :D


Lacey Starr said...

I really like the colors of this dress. I've really been into aqua and mint lately and get so happy at any blue/green combination!

Anonymous said...

you haven't gotten to mad men yet!? oh dear, you're busy! it was genius, you'll love it

I love big thunderstorms, but lately all of the Minnesota ones have turned into almost-tornadoes ugg

the dress is lovely and i adore the wagon wheel photo

Q's Daydream said...

I adore that dress!!! I think it must be one of my favorite vintage dresses ever! If you ever decide to sell it, please come to me first...lol!!! Though, I doubt you'll let that lovely slip away!

Good luck on all the busy things that are going on in your life right now! :o)

Antonio Barros said...

You look great with this dress!!!

the singular

Unknown said...

loving that dress x

Jenny said...

I absolutely love this dress. And the shoes! I want them.

Anonymous said...

I second that on Lacey Starr's comment. I love the colors of your dress and blue & green & teal have been my favorite hues as well.

I have not watched Mad Men yet either but me and my husband have been wanting to. It's seems wildly entertaining especially being in the graphic design field ourselves. and I hear they have awesome mid-century furniture to covet.

Aurora said...

the print and cut of that dress is so darling. and i love thunderstorms too! when i was little i used to tell my mom i was going to get married during one. as i got older, i realized that's not really a possibility if i actually want people other than myself an the groom to be there.

WendyB said...

Lovely photos!

Rose said...

Your dress is simply adorable!


Jacquelyn said...

those colors are brilliant, and measuring busy-ness by missing mad men is the only way to go :] have a great weekend!

Susan said...

The colors in your dress are perfect for a warm summer's day.

Coco Chanel said the fashion is not just about clothes but amongst other things, the way we live.

I also think we reach a point where our 'nests' become the main focus of our life.

Amy P. said...

I love the colors of your dress! And the stones all around. Very summery to me.

I can't wait for the tour of the house!

Isabel said...

Oooh, your Ferragamo shoes are simply gorgeous!

Luxe. said...

These pictures are gorgeous.x

Unknown said...

i was wondering if you had any of the ferragamo shoes left. i want to buy them, but i was too late to buy the last pair you had up. :(

Michaela said...

I like this dress so much. The colour, the flowers, the 50s cut, your choice of the brown shoes. Wow!