photos by Tom b.
- wool dress from UO
- thrifted cashmere turtleneck
- Undercover wool tights
- Topshop sailor coat
- vintage riding boots
- vintage knit beret
- vintage Coach purse
- H&M scarf
While we were in NY over the weekend I managed to fit in a little shopping. Imagine that! Ha, ha. A couple of vintage shops turned up no treasures for me so I decided to hit up a couple of shops that we don’t have in Lancaster like Urban Outfitters and Topshop.
I didn’t mention it on the blog but a few weeks ago (maybe just before Christmas) I finally gave in and order the Fletcher for Lyell black velvet jacket I’d been eyeing for so long. Everything seemed fine with the order and I even received an email confirmation from them. Then… nothing. When I checked the order status, I found it had been cancelled and was now marked “out of stock”. Ugh! Way to toy with a girl’s heart, UO. So… I tried not to get my hopes up when we went into the store but was secretly keeping my fingers crossed they would have it in stock. Sure enough, there it was! They had it in black, grey and purple but I still just got the black.
Then on to Topshop we went. Now, here’s the crazy part of the shopping story. The day before, I posted a few photos on the blog of wintery looks. One of them included the Topshop sailor coat that I think we’ve all been coveting. I received a comment letting me know that Jenny from Fashion for Writers was getting rid of hers so I shot her an email to see if we could work something out. Unfortunately I hadn’t heard back from her when we left for shopping the next morning so upon walking into Topshop I secretly had my fingers crossed (yet again!) that the coat would magically be there. And there it was… the only one in the whole store! I was seriously shocked. I tried it on, fell in love and bought it on the spot. The only small snag in the whole transaction was when I got to the counter and realized it didn’t have any tags on it. So… when I got back to the apartment and checked my email, there was an note from Jenny apologizing because she had just returned the jacket to the store! Another email exchange later, Jenny and I came to the conclusion that I had purchased her coat just after she returned it to the store. How weird is that?!
Sorry for the long rambling story. I’m not known for my coherent story-telling skills.
Great photos. That is such a coincidence with the coat.
That is such an amazing story! It was truly meant to be :)
what incredible luck! its a coat very worthy of desire. and i love those boots btw.
What a great story! So glad you were able to get it -- it looks lovely on you! - JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk
I love makes life so interesting. Thanks for sharing that story with us. The coat is adorable and perfect on you.
such a great story! love the coat ;o)
that's wonderful for you, it's lovely on you.
i've been looking for a black purse like yours. Glad your NYC shopping trip was profitable in the clothing department!
haha, you tell great stories. Wish I was there! as soon as I'm done with college I'm heading to New York to open up a vintage store. You'll have to give me a rundown of what you saw while you were there shopping.
I just wanted to say congratulations on making the Weardrobe 100! I've been reading your blog for a while now, so I included it in a roundup I posted on my favorite fashionistas who made the list.
I love a good shopping tale! Looking good.
Oh my goodness, that is hilarious! Jenny and I were so disheartened that you weren't able to get the coat from her, so it's amazing that it worked out -- it looks fabulous on you!
I LOVE that jacket! It's so adorable, plus there's a great story behind it, which I think always makes something gold!
Sooo weird!
The coat an you were meant to be...
You look really cute in the last photo!
Haha! That's amazing, I love when shoppin turns oy to be well worth it!
Oh wow thata a crazy cool story! ^^ Love the outfit,esspecially loving the bag.The coat is wonderful too,I've seen it everywhere and thought it was so cute!
really cute pictures. you look so lovely.
Wow, what a lucky shopping day! Lovely photos!!
i love your boots! i am also jealous of your ability to pair shorts and tights. it never seems to work on me but you look lovely
lovely photos! i LOVE the sailor coat in grey & navy...i have it in navy & white but i think i like yours more! :)
love that sailor jacket, so lucky you got your hands on it!
lovelove, M.
Crazy story! So glad you got that coat though, it's adorable! Is that scarf from UO? I think it's the same one I'm wearing in my most recent post...
that is pretty crazy! so glad you got your hands on one, it really is the most lovely coat. but i'm really not sure if i like your coat or your boots better, there both so wonderful.
What luck! It's like your life is so I Heart Huckabees right now.
Great story, and one that I'm happy ended so well! And it's interesting to see your NYC photos, I was there for the weekend before Christmas when there was simply snow, snow, snow...
Bella x
i cant believe the sart didnt catch you in NYC! you would have been on his blog for sure!
Boy! I LOVE that sort of weird! It was meant to be be Jennifer. When you "put things out there" they'll come to you. BTW you look so cosy and snuggly in your photos.
Ooo! That last picture is definately my favorite. I love your scarf!
i'm definitely guilty as charged when it comes to coveting/dreaming over that jacket. i think the sailor theme is so cute!
Great to hear about all these shopping magic success stories! I have a confession- the navy sailor coat is coming to me from the UK! I got lucky and a blogger friend got one for me from the Top Shop in her city. I love the colors you got, I think it is going to look awesome with your wardrobe!!
Hi beautiful lady! The coat was made for you!!! I'm so glad that this little twist of fate worked out so marvelously, and I love how you styled the coat with your mustard scarf and boots. It's so clearly meant to be, as was the Lyell jacket:)
love, Jenny
these photos are so good! as are your boots, lovely lady.
I love these photos quite a bit! And I just adore happy fashion coincidences like that :] I think clothes are unique in their ability to stir up such emotions, don't you think? So happy for you!
That sailor jacket is so adorable!!
i'd love to know what settings your boy uses to get such vivid light in every photo! simply gorgeous and your story is quite serendipitous.
love your boots! and that story is hilarious!
I want your coat!!! also your boots!!!
I'm mostly amazed how empty New York seems to be in these photos. I've always imagined it crowded...
LOVIN' those boots! What a great vintage score...and I need some tights like those...where to find them? Undercover...I'll have to google it.
eeeeep! I love that coat so much
Oh that's a wonderfully serendipitous! The grey looks great, is so you.
I've been mooning over this coat for nearly six months, since the lightweight red version of it came out and am delighted to say that the navy one made it's way to me last week! I heart it with all my might and amazingly, it's cold enough to wear coats in New Zealand at the moment even though it's meant to be summer! Which sucks, but at least I have my dreamcoat.
its really very nice posting with nice pictures thanks for sharing this with us...
Very nice post with a nice lady picture, she is looking really awesome in Coat
Super photos et tes chaussures sont magnifiques j'adore
you look so cute, i adore that coat!
I just returned from NYC too, loved the shopping and found some great vintage stores around Greenwich Village. Love the boots by the way.
I love your boots!!!
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